Interdisciplinary Literaure Analysis between Cosmetic Container Design and Customer Purchasing Intention -The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business (2024)

The cosmetic industry is one of the significant sectors of the economy that has attracted a wide range of players due to the fast growth rate. With women as the primary target of cosmetic products, organizations have taken significant strategies to ensure that their products can appeal to consumers’ wider demography, hence gaining dominance within the cosmetic industry (Lourenço-Lopes et al., 2020). Different organizations specialize in the manufacture of different cosmetic products. However, the organizations’ marketing strategies as they sell their products to determine the consumer’s ability to give preference to the products (Salim Khraim, 2011). For a consumer to buy a product, they must be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the product is significant in providing a solution to their challenges; hence will be beneficial to them. Cosmetics comprise a wide range of health and beauty products used to improve a person’s appearance. This makes the products a necessity to most women who work in different sectors of the economy (Rábová, 2015).

Marketing strategies are developed to improve consumer purchase behavior by drawing their attention to various products (). Due to the competitive nature of the economic sphere, different marketing strategies have been devised by organizations to ensure that they can attract a wide range of consumers to their products. There are multiple factors that are likely to attract the consumer towards a particular product. The first thing that attracts the consumer is the appearance of the product. A product has to be appealing for it to gain the interest of the consumer. People are naturally attracted to products that look good. Another significant factor that attracts the consumer o the product is the usefulness of the product. People buy products to solve some of the challenges that they face. For this reason, the consumer must be convinced of the effectiveness of the product in solving these challenges. Therefore, it is common to find people buying products based on referrals from other people who have used the products and found them useful in solving some of their challenges (Singh et al., 2020). Consumers also consider the safety of products before buying the products. This is most common for cosmetic products, especially due to these products’ perceived side effects, which may have severe consequences on the user. For this reason, marketers must be able to provide this information to the consumer to convince them of the superiority of the products.

While these marketing strategies have been explored in recent years by various organizations, organizations have explored other strategies to attract the attention of the consumer. One of the significant strategies that most organizations have integrated into their marketing plan, especially in the cosmetic industry, is container design. The container’s design is determined by various features that have been integrated into the container to give it a unique and distinctive outlook (). This unique outlook differentiates it from other product containers within the market so that one can identify the brand of a product by simply looking at the appearance of the container. This paper explores the effect of container design in influencing consumer purchase intention for different cosmetic industry products.

2.1. Visual Elements

The attraction of a consumer to a product depends on how they perceive the product. This perception is based on what they see as the external appearance of the container.

2.1.1. The Effect of Product Packing

While various factors influence purchase intention, most consumers have admitted in recent years that the packaging of a product is crucial in attracting their attention towards the product (Alhamdi, 2020; ). The effect of packaging on consumer purchase behavior has been an area of significant research that has enabled various organizations to invest more in research that enables them to find creative designs for product packaging to attract the consumer’s attention. According to Riaz et al., 2018), the packaging of a product, especially in the cosmetic industry, plays a crucial role in influencing consumer purchase behavior. The cosmetic industry deals primarily with beauty products. Thus, the container used to package the beauty product is crucial and creates a significant first impression on the buyer of the product. When the design features of a product’s packaging are appealing, it is likely to create the impression that the product that has been packaged within the container is of great quality (). Packaging of products is a necessity for any organization due to multiple reasons. To begin with, it is crucial to facilitate the safety of the product. Different cosmetic products are likely to get contaminated when exposed to various conditions of the environment. For this reason, most companies package their products for safety reasons. However, while this function of the packaging is crucial, it is significant to develop appealing packaging designs to ensure that there is an added advantage to the packaging used for the products, especially since the packaging container design can b, e used as a marketing strategy for the product ().

In their study, Riaz et al. (2018) used a sample of 200 participants from two cities. They relied on a self-develop scale consisting of thirteen items to establish the correlation between the cosmetic packaging and consumer purchase intention. A pilot study was used to establish the correlation, which explored the thirteen items on the self-developed scale. The researchers established that the packaging containers’ spec iris features were crucial in the development of the consumer’s interest in a product. Though different consumers were attracted to different container features, it was evident that the different designed features were crucial in establishing the consumer’s purchase intention (). The researchers also realized that some design feature was more significant in establishing consumer purchase behavior than others. For instance, most women were attracted to romantic and lovely packaging designs. This can be attributed to the fact that such packaging designs are likely to get associated with beauty. Moreover, women were also attracted to cool and classy design packaging containers received as a symbol of class (Riaz et al., 2018).

2.1.2. Significant Features

The role of visual elements in marketing is one of the significant areas that has been explored by researchers to establish ways of improving the qualities of products to increase their appeal to the consumer. ) suggest that visual elements play a crucial role in facilitating various products, especially in the fashion and beauty industry. Cosmetics are a beauty product widely used by women worldwide to improve their physical appearance. Due to the high demand for cosmetic products, resulting from the significantly high population of women worldwide, multiple organizations have invested in the production of different types of cosmetic products to meet the needs of the consumer. However, for the consumer to gain access to these products, they must be attracted to the products. For this reason, the outward appearance of the packaging containers of the beauty products plays a crucial role in determining whether the consumers will be attracted towards the product. Before a consumer seeks more details about a product’s specifications, they must have first been able to identify the product. This attraction is facilitated by the characteristics of the packaging used for the products, such as the color, shape, and artistic representation of the container (Mohamed et al., 2018).

In their study, Mohamed et al. (2018) surveyed 130 female participants to establish some of the crucial factors influencing their purchase behavior for cosmetic products. The research methods used were quantitative, which included surveys and a questionnaire tool that included questions aimed at determining the study’s objectives. Secondary research materials were also considered in the study to be provide insights on the topic. The study established that the consumer’s purchase behavior was greatly affected by the visual elements on the containers used for the packaging of various products. The primary elements of the packaging container identified as the most significant visual aspects include color, shape, and material of the container. Color is one of the significant determinants of human perception since different colors are likely to develop different moods among consumers (). For instance, the blue color is often sociated with a calm mood hence is likely to appeal to wide demography of consumers. While considering the role of color in the development of human perception on various products is crucial, it is also important to consider that the color used must be relevant to the product being sold. The container’s shape is another significant feature that was identified as a cause for attraction for the consumer towards the product. Different shapes are likely to appeal to different consumers (). However, the use of unique and eye-catching shapes is significant in bringing out the curiosity in the consumer as they will want to establish the reason being the use of that particular shape in packaging the product. Materials used for the packaging also play an integral role in determining whether the consumer will be attracted to a particular container. The use of sophisticated materials for packaging introduces the element of class to the container and is, therefore, likely to attract consumers from a higher social class. It also develops the perception that the products packaged in the container are of high quality hence will be able to meet the consumer’s needs.

The studies’ strength can be attributed to the fact that they rely on quantitative research methods and secondary research studies to derive information on the topic. The use of quantitative research is significant as it allows for the provision of first-hand information on the correlation. However, the sample used for the studies limits the scope as the participants mostly involve people from a specific geographical area, thereby exposing the research to challenges that may be associated with a form of bias on the part of the researcher. Multiple gaps have been identified in the study. For instance, while the studies explore how the cosmetic container design impacts the consumer’s purchase behavior, they do not provide a detailed analysis of the different aspects of the container design that have the most impact on the consumer purchase behavior. Moreover, very few characteristic features of the container design have been explored in the studies, making the studies appear superficial. Moreover, the studies are only focused on the impact of packaging design on the purchase behavior of female consumers which brings out the perception that male consumer do not purchase cosmetic products. The presence of gender bias in the study is a limitation as the researchers cannot provide evidence that the same features of product design that have been explored have similar effects on the purchase behavior of male consumer. For this reason, further studies should be carried out to establish whether the effects are similar for male consumers ().

Interdisciplinary Literaure Analysis between Cosmetic Container Design and Customer Purchasing Intention-The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business (1)

Figure 1: The Overview of Qualitative Textual Approach (Created by the present author)

The present researcher has used qualitative coding implements to analyze and interpret the data obtained with a PRISMA declaration for analytical purposes. Qualitative research is essential in studying since information value includes comprehensive integrity, transferability, reliability, and conformity. Consequently, no confirmation, refutability, or logical integrity must be included in the data collected. The analysis deals with a broad knowledge of a topic, which helps broaden an understanding of a problem, as noted in the previous report. The present author has attracted the study of () which was well- written to provide theoretical solutions from the prior literature and indicated that qualitative study using numerous prior literature review is enough to give thoughtful implication and discussion to other researchers.

Interdisciplinary Literaure Analysis between Cosmetic Container Design and Customer Purchasing Intention-The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business (2)

Figure 2: The Overview of Qualitative Textual Approach (Created by the present author)

Using Web QDA (Qualitative Data Analysis) online tools, the present researcher coded the data obtained. The web content analysis platform is useful because it allows a researcher to examine themes in texts and, in a way, allows an ideal way to understand links within categories of data. The researcher, therefore, identified different groups and then identified emerging topics from the textural data. Qualitative research is inductive, so the primary purpose of the study of content analysis was to determine the things and current issues that would help provide answers for the present research. However, past researchers addressed that the difficulty of content analysis is "differentiating between the level of abstraction and the degree of interpretation, " which raises the lack of qualitative data trustworthiness. By demonstrating the rationale of how the study classified themes and categories, the investigator restricted this risk (; ).

The results which obtained from theoretical approach are analyzed with an organized review approach. To collect the suitable data, the author tried to obtained the extant literature regarding the marketing plan for cosmetic container. The author also obtained textural data which associates with the possible solution through the Web datasets (mostly peer-reviewed work). The suitable strategies for marketers were figured out and after that, author could present the findings which suggest to boost customer purchase intention in the cosmetic retail store. For practitioners who would like to apply marketing strategy theories, the following. For modern managers seeking to align business priorities with cosmetic products, the present author presents the following main subjects as a critical solutions for enhancing consumer purchase pattern ().

From the studies explored in the literature review section, it is evident that container design is a crucial feature in influencing the consumer's purchase intention. For this reason, the vast magnitude of research can be used to develop ways of improving the characteristic features of the packaging container of cosmetic containers to ensure that there are more appealing to the consumer. Based on the studies, different components of container design have different impacts on the purchase behavior of different consumers. Some of the most crucial container design components include; shape, color, material and textual, and artistic features. These components are used by designers for different purposes and have different levels of appeal to the consumer. The impact of the design components on consumer purchase behavior can be attributed to the fact that visual elements play a crucial role in developing the consumers' perception of the product ().

Table 1: Crucial Container Design Components

Interdisciplinary Literaure Analysis between Cosmetic Container Design and Customer Purchasing Intention-The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business (3)

Color is a significant component of art that has been used since time immemorial to develop perception. Different colors appeal to different people in varying ways as people are likely to associate the colors with different aspects of their life (Chitturi et al., 2020). For this reason, the perception that one color creates on one person may vary from that of another person. One of the significant reasons why color is used in art is that it attracts the viewer's attention towards the painting. This role of color plays a crucial in determining the consumer's purchase behavior in the cosmetic industry (Patil, 2012). However, different shades of color have different abilities in attracting the attention of a person. It is therefore significant that bright colors are used in the manufacture of cosmetic containers. When manufacturing these containers, research must be carried out to identify the target market's preference since people give different meanings to different colors (). For instance, though conspicuous, the red color is often associated with danger hence may not be effective in designing a cosmetic container. However, colors such as blue and green are often associated with calm situations hence are likely to be more effective for designing cosmetic containers.

A container's shape is another significant feature that most consumers are likely to consider when purchasing different products. Like color, people are likely to get attracted to different types of shapes they find appealing. Therefore, it is significant that the manufacturers come up with unique designs when developing packaging containers for cosmetic materials (Karedza, 2017). For instance, common shapes have often been used to create different types of packaging containers. When a new design emerges, the consumer is likely to get attracted to this new design out of curiosity and uniqueness of the design's shape. There are multiple factors of consideration for the consumer when assessing the design used to packaging cosmetic products. For instance, some shapes are likely to limit the amount of space for the packaging their y limiting the quantity of the product packaged in a particular container (). It has a negative effect on consumer purchase behavior. They are likely to develop the perception that the container was created to limit the products' quantity, which places the consumer at a disadvantage. For this reason, it is advisable that when considering a particular container for the packaging of a cosmetic product, the containers used should be shaped in a way that they provide enough space that will be effective in packaging sufficient quantities of the products.

Another significant factor associated with the shape of the packaging container that will determine the consumer's purchase intention is the ease of access to the product. The shape of the container determines the ability of the consumer to retrieve the product from the container. Some container shapes present a significant challenge in the ability of the consumer to retrieve the cosmetic products (Vladic et al., 2015). For this reason, the consumer is likely to develop a negative attitude towards the products packaged containers with these types of shapes. For example, long cylindrical containers are convenient for products that can easily flow. However, retrieving solid products from such containers may present a challenge to the consumer. Therefore, it is crucial to carry out a market survey on the limitations of various shape designs for cosmetic products in order to come up with the best product shapes for cosmetic products (). The use of sophisticated and unique shape designs for cosmetic products is also crucial in introducing the packaging's social class element. Simple shapes are usually associated with low economic status as limited resources are invested in creating such packaging materials. Such shapes are likely to make the consumer question the quality of the products packaged in the container; hence they are likely to forego them for the products packaged in uniquely shaped containers.

The material used in creating the packaging container is another significant factor that is likely to determine the purchase intention for the container. For most manufacturers, the material used for packaging is only relevant due to the safety of the product (Makkar, 2009). Different cosmetic products are likely to get contaminated when exposed to various environmental conditions. For this reason, the packaging material is crucial to ensure that the products do not get contaminated and are therefore not hazardous to the consumer. The nature of use for cosmetic products is crucial as they are applied in different parts of the body and are likely to have significant side effects when contaminated. The consumer, however, places significance on a product based on the quality of the materials used for packaging (). Low-quality materials attract consumers from a low economic class since they are perceived as cheap products, thereby associated with low quality (). However, when the product's packaging material is of great quality, it is likely to attract consumers from a high economic status as they perceive the products to be of a high quality due to the resources invested in the packaging materials (Tinne, 2016). The material used should also allow for easy retrieval of the product from the container.

The inclusion of textual and artistic features on the container plays a crucial role in developing the consumer's interest in a product. One of the significant textual features that can be included in the container is the brand name (). It provides the product with a sense of identity that distinguishes it from another competitor's product in the industry. The type of information included on the surface of the container is also crucial in influencing the consumer's purchase intention (). For instance, a consumer's attention is likely to get attracted to a product's container due to the presence of textual features on the container. The information included in the text will further determine whether the consumer buys the product. For this reason, the textual features on the surface of the container should be informative to enable the consumer to learn more about the product and how the product is likely to help them achieve their health or beauty goals (). Moreover, the information provided should also inform the consumer why they should prefer a particular product and forego other products from rival organizations.

The inclusion of artistic features on the surface of the container is significant as it comes out as a form of advertising or a product. For instance, containers used to package skincare products should have pictures of women with smooth skin to elaborate on the products' results. For hair products, it is significant that there are pictures of women who have used the hair products on the packaging material's surface. It is crucial in influencing the purchase intention of the consumer (). The consumer will easily relate the appearance of the artistic features on the container of the product. However, the artistic features used should be accurate so that the organization does not oversell the product beyond its capabilities (). It will present a significant challenge for the organization as it is a violation of the ethical guidelines and standards for sales. The use of artistic features also introduces the aspect of influencer marketing as the picture of various influential personalities can be published on the containers of the products (Das, 2011). This requires that the organizations involved form legal partnerships with the influences and celebrities which will enable them publish the images of the influencer on the product container (). The use of influencer marketing is one of the crucial strategies that have been adopted in the modern society which plays a crucial role in improving the appeal of a product (Hussain, 2015).

Consumers will be attracted to the product due to the presence of the influencers image on the container. Suppose the products do not live up to the desirable outcomes as depicted in the artistic features included in the container. They are likely to give the product a negative review, which may affect subsequent purchases, especially when the reviews come from many consumers. Therefore, artistic and textual features should be used with great care as they elicit certain expectations from the consumer.

The economic sphere has become quite competitive in recent years as various organizations develop multiple strategies to attract consumers' attention. The use of visual elements is one of the significant strategies that has been significantly embraced by multiple organizations to influence consumer purchase behavior. One of the strategies that have been embraced in recent years in the cosmetic industry is product packaging design as one of the marketing elements. The packaging container's ability to attract the audience depends on the features incorporated into the container. One of the significant aspects of the packaging container that has been identified as a significant factor in influencing consumer behavior is the color used on the container. The effect of color is that it increases the appeal of a product. Since different people are attracted to different types of colors to which they relate to various aspects of their lives, significant research must be carried out to establish the best colors to use in designing different products used in the packaging of cosmetic products. Color also plays a crucial role in developing the consumer's perception of a particular product.

It is clear from the findings that the package's color plays an essential role in influencing the customer purchase intention. The tint of that particular package ultimately relates to consumers' purchase intention. From the research conducted on two cities, attractive colors on the packages grasp the customers' attention. However, Batmen Graham (2018) typically undertaken well-planned research on some effects of packaging traits on the customer purchasing result conduct of packed cosmetic product. He discovered that color is not given much consideration when a client is making some decisions when buying.

The shape of the container is another significant feature that must be considered during product designs. Different shapes are likely to appeal to different consumers. Shapes also play an integral role in developing the perception of the consumer towards the product. One of the significant issues determined by the shape of the container is retrieving the product from the packaging container. For instance, while the viscous product can be stored in a container of any shape or configuration, solid products should be stored in containers where they can be easily retrieved. Therefore, consumers are likely to be attracted to products in packaging containers that are easy to use. The shape should also be uniquely crafted so that it can elicit curiosity from the consumer. Other than the shape, the container's material is also a crucial factor of consideration that is likely to determine the consumer's purchase behavior. The consumer is likely to gauge the quality of a product based on the type of material that has been used to manufacture the packaging container. For instance, the use of cheap packaging material is likely to be associated with poor quality products.

Packaging material: The cosmetic products' fabric vastly influenced the customer's conclusion while purchasing the products from the research conducted. However, Bestie M.J (2017) performed an exploration focusing on the effect of packaging qualities on purchaser purchasing choice conduct of packed cosmetic products found that in two cities, the context packaging material was not considered in the purchasing choice of the customer (). Customers viewed those products that are packed in a valuable material depending on the specific product's nature (). In most cases, the product's type will determine the material to be used explicitly in the form of the solid or liquid state. Some producers of the products typically use plastic and can with some colorful materials. On the other hand, cereal-like products usually use soft clothes and valuable ones to attract and influence their purchase intention. Most of the time, liquor packaging materials differ substantially by their quality and strength. In cosmetic products, producers used hard plastic and cans with decorative backgrounds, whereas producers used light packaging material in cereal food packages.

Textual and artistic features are also a significant factor in determining consumer purchase intention. Incorporating these features on the surface of the packaging container is likely to attract the consumer's curiosity. Therefore, the manufacturer can take advantage of this design feature by making sure that the information provided on the surface of the product is informative and explains the benefits of the product and some of the product features that make them more effective than other similar products within the market. The studies show that the product packaging container's design features are a significant marketing tool for cosmetic products. Therefore, manufacturers in the cosmetic industry must invest in designing packaging products that are more appealing in shape and color while using high-quality materials to packaging these products. The packaging containers should also be designed to incorporate textual and artistic features that provide more information regarding the products. Further studies should focus on the limiting factors that prevent organizations from investing in the packaging materials and how they can overcome these limitations.

The artistic features such as the packaging printed info: This particular type of study indicates that the full published report of a given specific cosmetic product has a significant role in influencing the customer's purchase intention. According to Hussain (2017), printed information in the packages influences buyers positively, leading them to make the appropriate and positive buying decision. In most cases, the product information has appositive utility; on the other hand, there is that vague dedication of the info that can be quickly and understandable, which helps the producer even convince the consumer even more (Hussein et al., 2017). The kind of information provided will also play a vast role in the convincing power of the client. It is also considered that the report helps in avoiding some risks such as attachable dangers with cosmetic products.

From the case study, it was clear that the packaging elements are most essential for the client's purchase intention. Those significant components such as the background image, design, color, material, and font style are the standard and critical visual elements that are considered most when buying cosmetic products. Lastly, the study shows some vital and influential aspects that should handle with care and are very significant and include the verbal and visual elements. These two are very critical when choosing, purchasing cosmetic products.

The central focus of the case study was to check on whether connections amid the designed packages of all those cosmetics as well as client purchasing intention exist or not. It typically contains some implications such as The outcome has greatly influenced increased marketing value of the existing products if more so the weight is well implemented (Salim, 2019). All those companies that manufacture the packaging sector can typically use the case study type to use various packaging designs and styles. Another implication is that marketers can manipulate the skills to understand consumers' psychology, mainly related to packaging design and purchasing intention of a client.

Consequently, marketers are capable of making appropriate changes in their respective designs of packages. The case study also portrays how purchasing could ultimately affect the client's perception due to the attractiveness, which is contributed by the visual basics of that particular cosmetic design. This case study has also raised other insights like favorite color and material of the packaging design, makeup, and other cosmetic products. From the case study findings, it is clear that cosmetics clients like shopping to see the cosmetic products and try some a few available samples (Singh et al., 2015). According to the survey, the ornamental design is vital to the customer while shopping online or even in-store. From the study, visual package attributes like color, materials, visualization, and appealing appearances were recognized as the persuasive features that disturb customer purchase intentions.

There are also some limitations on this specific study is that the collected data was from the respondents who stays in only two cities, and the study was significantly restricted to the impact of packaging aspects of these ornamental which has on client buying intention of either the female or male participant whose age group is 18 years and above (Chiang, & Yu, 2012). Also, culture influences society and their different meanings and interpretations of some colors in other communities.

In this particular study, various challenges were apparent, such as inadequate skills and resources to conduct research (Zauner et al., 2015) The study was undertaken only in two cities instead of extended across cultural comparison and the different participants' age. The study only paid attention to the cities, and it should also have considered rural areas instead. It is to ensure that the information that is provided represents both those in urban and rural areas.

The case study did not clearly show when the conducted research was and the specific place where it was completed. It just names it as two cities where the operations were executed. It is essential to pinpoint the exact location where the research was carried out.

The producers, business units, and marketers should emphasize the wrapping designs, packaging material, background image, attractive design, readable and useful style to influence the consumers to buy the products. The stakeholder should work together for the future benefit of the cosmetic product. For the beauty industry to be embraced and lure their vast profitability, they should develop the proper packaging designs focusing on and targeting the current trends (Alhamdi, 2020). The beauty industries should pay more attention to both verbal and visual elements of the printed information.

For the beauty producers to satisfy the customer's needs, all those available products on the shelves, marketers should work hard on both the verbal and visual elements of packages that typically play avital mandate in ensuring that the intention of the consumer is positively influenced. In the future, when designing for those cosmetics, cosmetic designers should consider some elements such as packaging elements, consumers' taste, and preferences, which most of the time depends mostly on both the cosmetic group and the demographic population (Tinne et al., 2018). Another future direction that should be considered is the quality of the cosmetic products while considering attractive packaging elements and eye-catch cosmetic products whenever the client pays a visit to a store shelf.


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Cited by

  1. Effect of Sports Psychology on Enhancing Consumer Purchase Intention for Retailers of Sports Shops: Literature Content Analysisvol.19,pp.4,2021,
  2. Sports Leadership Theories for Improving Retail Service Quality on Customer Valuevol.19,pp.5,2021,
  3. Ethical Conducts in Qualitative Research Methodology :Participant Observation and Interview Processvol.2,pp.2,2021,
  4. A Theoretical Approach: the Worker's task Stress and its Association with Job Performancevol.9,pp.5,2021,
Interdisciplinary Literaure Analysis between Cosmetic Container Design and Customer Purchasing Intention
				-The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business (2024)


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