Gallia County Newspaper Obituaries [L-Les] (2024)

Lackey, Ada Clark

The following account of the death of a well-known Gallia County girl is taken from the Xenia Daily Republican of Friday, March 27, 1914:
A beautiful life, full of love and tender devotion to her home and little children, came to a close today in the death of Mrs. Ada Clark Lackey, wife of Dr. Bert L. Lackey, well known dentist, who passed away at her home 20 Home Avenue, twenty minutes after ten, Friday morning. Mrs. Lackey had lain in an unconscious condition for hours preceding the end and death came peacefully and quietly. Cancer, which became apparent November 7 a year ago, was the immediate cause of death and during the weary months when she was confined to her home, Mrs. Lackey displayed a beautiful Christian fortitude bearing her sufferings without a murmur, except for her little ones, from whom death would separate her. Her husband and children have the sympathy of her scores of friends in their great bereavement.
Ada Clark Lackey was born November 7, 1871, at Raccoon Island, Gallia county, and was a daughter of Hon. Amos Clark, at one time a member of the State Board of Equalization, and a prominent retired farmer, broker and merchant of that place. Mr. Clark died at the Lackey home in this city, June 3, 1912. Her mother passed away when Mrs. Lackey was but three years of age, but a step-mother gave her and her brother and sister all the tender care of a mother. She survives and lives in Gallipolis, Ohio.
Mrs. Lackey finished her education at Lebanon National Normal institute and at Ohio Wesleyan university at Delaware, where she took a special art course. For a time she taught penmanship in the public schools at Manchester and in 1891 came to Xenia where she was appointed instructor in penmanship and bookkeeping at the O. S. & S. O. Home, which position she held for nine years. It was here that she met Dr. L. B. Lackey, and their marriage was solemnized September 10, 1902. They went to housekeeping within a short time in a newly built home on Home avenue, where they had lived ever since. Mrs. Lackey leaves her husband and three little children, Clark, Dorothy, and Helen, the youngest of whom is only three years of age.
Mrs. Lackey united with the Clay Chapel Methodist church at Raccoon Island when but 11 years of age, and retained her membership there until she came to Xenia when she joined the First Methodist church. She was a true Christian mother, and the interests of her little family were always first in her mind. She was greatly beloved and admired in her circle of friends.
Mrs. Lackey's sister, Mrs. J. B. Ewing, had been with her several weeks preceding her death, and with her brother, J. S. Clark who had frequently visited her during her illness was at her bedside when death came. They are the only surviving members of her immediate family.
Funeral services will be held at the home Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock and will be in charge of the Rev. Charles W. Sullivan, of the First Methodist church. Burial will be made a Woodland Cemetery.

Gallipolis paper
March 27, 1914
Transcribed by Irene Blamer

Lackey, James

Died, in Bloomfield township (Jackson County) on the 8th of Dec., James Lackey, in the 84th year of his age. The subject of the above notice was born in Patrick county, Va., in 1770, and in an early day, moved to the State of Ohio---was one of the first settlers of the French Grant; soon after moved to the Ridgway settlement, in Gallia county, thence to, or near, Centreville, and from thence to Bloomfield, Jackson county, where he resided until his death. He was long and favorably known by the citizens of this county, and well respected by all his neighbors. Several years before his death, he became a member of the Presbyterian church, and lived and died in that faith. Peace to his ashes. Jackson Standard.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 5, 1854
Transcribed by Eve Hughes Top of Page

Laiblin, Catherine

Mrs. Catherine Laiblin, of Green Township, ill with obstruction of the bowels, died on Wednesday evening of last week, February 22, 1899, at 6:00 o’clock. The funeral and burial took place at Mina Chapel on Friday afternoon. Rev. Brady, assisted by Rev. Carey, conducted the funeral exercises, and Hayward & Son, the burial.
She was 68 years of age, and was the wife of Mr. Charles Laiblin, to whom she was married about 47 years ago. Besides her husband she leaves seven children, viz: William and Jacob, of South Dakota; Charles and Christian of Fresno, Cal.; Mrs. Abram Hutsinpiller of this city, and Misses Paulina and Mary at home. She was a sister of Mrs. Capt. Richard Blazer, of this city and the late John Fultz. She had been a member of the M. E. Church for a number of years, and was a woman held in the highest esteem by all of her acquaintances.

The Gallipolis Bulletin
Saturday, March 4, 1899
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Laiblin, Catherine

Death of Mrs. Catherine Laiblin
Death removed from this life Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock Mrs. Catharine Laiblin, of Green township. Deceased was the wife of Mr. Charles Laiblin and was aged 68 years. She was taken sick two weeks since with obstruction of the bowels, and though she had the benefit of the best of medical skill her trouble could not be obviated and at the hour mentioned she fell asleep to that sleep that knows no awakening.
She joined the M. E. church many years since and lived the life of a devout, earnest and faithful Christian, a memory that will be held with reverence and as a precious legacy by those left behind.
She leaves a husband and seven children to survive her. The children are: Messrs. William and Jacob Laiblin, of South Dakota; Messrs. Charles and Christian Laiblin, of Fresno, Cal.; Mrs. Abram Hutsinpiller, of this city, and Misses Paulina and Mary Laiblin, at home. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Dolly Blazer, of this city.
The funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock by Rev. Brady, interment being under the direction of Hayward & Son.

Gallipolis Journal
Wednesday, March 1, 1899
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Laiblin, Charles W.

Death of C. W, Laiblin

Charles W. Laiblin of Green Township died Thursday evening, March 21, aged 82 years. The funeral was conducted Monday by Rev. G. W Brown of the Rodney Circuit at Mina Chapel. Interment in the Chapel Cemetery by Hayward & Son. The following were the pallbearers: Jonas Sibley, John White, George Brolles, J. I. Odell, A. C. Safford and Austin Brothers. Mr. Laiblin was born in Wurtemburg, Germany and came here in 2848. He was a candy manufacturer for many years, finally selling out the business and moving to the country. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of this city. He is survived by the following children: William G. Laiblin, at home, Mrs. Abe Hutsinpiller of Green Township, Jacob F. Laiblin of Mont Rose, Colorado, Miss Pauline Laiblin of Huron, South Dakota, Charles J. Laiblin of Jamison, Oregon , and Mrs. Edvanson at home.

Gallipoilis Bulletin
March 28, 1912
Transcribed by Margaret Calvin Top of Page

Laiblin, William G.

W. G. Laiblin, Aged 85, Dies in Tampa, Fla
Miss Edith Hutsinpiller is Going There To Bring The Remains Back
William G. Laiblin, a native Gallia countian, died yesterday at Tampa, Fla., and his niece, Miss Edith Hutsinpiller left here today for the south to return his body back here for interment. Mr. Laiblin, who was 85 years of age, was retired and for the past several years had spent his winters in the south and the summers in the Middle West where he lived for many years after leaving here. His last visit here was in the fall of 1936 when he was on his way to Florida.
Mr. Laiblin was the brother of Mrs. Katherine Hutsinpiller of this city and of Charles and Chris Laiblin of California and Mrs. Mary Edmundson of Ft. Dodge, Iowa. He never married. Miss Hutsinpiller will take an airplane to Louisville, Ky. at 6 o'clock this evening for Tampa and will start the return trip as soon as arrangements can be completed.
Burial will be at Mina Chapel but the particulars of the funeral will not be made until the time of Miss Hutsinpiller's arrival, with the remains, is known. It was in the Mina Chapel neighborhood in which Mr. Laiblin lived when here.

.....In a 2nd clipping

Laiblin Funeral To Be At 2 Tuesday, Hutsinpiller Home
The body of William G. Laiblin, who died in Tampa, Florida, last Wednesday, is expected to arrive here tonight, accompanied by his niece, Miss Edith Hutsinpiller, who left here soon after receipt of death message.
Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. W. Scott Westerman at the Hutsinpiller home at 2 Tuesday. Burial will be at Mina Chapel by Hayward. For pall bearers were selected Turley Gills, Wilson Blazer, A. C. Safford, Ross Wallace, John Lang and A. J. Stormont.
The body was due in Cincinnati this morning and from there was to be shipped to Columbus and transferred to the New York Central train due at Kanauga at 8:15 tonight, Mr. Hayward said.

[Note: From gravemarker date of birth May 18, 1853; date of death March 2, 1938.]

Newspaper (prob. March 1938, Gallipolis) clippings from the Simmerman files, Hutsinpiller-Winsor-Gibbons file, Bossard Library.
Transcribed by Lynn Anders

Lakin, Charles

Charles Lakin Suffers Heart Attack, Dies
Charles Lakin , 39, who was reared in the Fairfield community, and was a graduate of Gallia Academy High School, died Friday morning following a heart attack in Rio De Janerio, Brazil. He was an employee of the Delta Steamship Line of New Orleans, La.
Mr. Lakin was born in Huntington, Oct. 9, 1926, son of the late C. Y. Lakin, and his mother Laura McDaniel Lakin, survives and lives at Fairfield. He is also survived by two brothers and a sister, Richard Lakin of Fairfield, James Mack Lakin of Tempe, Ariz. and Mrs. John H. (Molly) Amstutz of Bellevue, Neb. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by the Wetherholt - Elliott Funeral home.

Gallipolis Tribune
November 1965
Transcribed by J. Farley

Lakin, Charles

GALLIPOLIS - Mrs. Elsie Lora McDaniel Lakin, Gallipolis, has received word of the death of son, Charles Lakin, 39, who died aboard a ship in Brazil of a heart attack sometime Friday. He was employed by the Delta Steamship Lines of New Orleans. His father, Charles Lakin, preceded him in death.
Surviving, in addition to his mother, are two brothers, James of Tempe, Ariz. and Richard of Fairfield; a sister, Mrs. John H. (Molly) Amstute, Belleville, Neb.
The Wetherholt and Elliott funeral home will announce funeral arrangements.

Athens Sunday Messenger
November 7, 1965
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lakin, Edgar E.

GALLIPOLIS - Edgar E. Lakin, 84, Patrick [Patriot] Star Route, died 7:14 a.m. Saturday in Holzer Medical Center. He had been in failing health for several years. He was born in Wayne County, W. Va., son of the late Alcanous and Mattie Bellomy Lakin. He spent 30 years in Gallia County and was a member of the Salem Baptist Church and Patriot Grange. He was a retired farmer.
He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Fern Robinson of Chesapeake and Mrs. Floyd (Betty) Davis of Sarasota, Fla.; one son, Billy Lakin of Patriot Star Route; 14 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Larma Billups of Huntington, W. Va. He was preceded in death by his wife, Lutie Perdue Lakin, in 1967; one daughter and one sister.
Services will be conducted Tuesday, 1 p.m. in the Waugh-Halley-Wood Funeral Home by the Rev. Ralph Burwell. Burial will be in the Ohio Valley Memory Gardens. Friends may call from 5 to 9 p.m. Monday. Military graveside rites will be by VFW Post 4464.

[Note: Patrick was used instead of Patriot in this obit.]

Athens Sunday Messenger
February 29, 1976
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lakin, Lutie [Perdue]

Mrs. Lakin Is Claimed At 76 Years Wednesday
Mrs. Lutie Lakin, 76, wife of Edgar Lakin, Patriot Star Route, died at her home around 12:45 p.m. Wednesday. She had been in failing health several years, and her condition had been serious the past two weeks. She was born on Sept. 22, 1890 in Wayne County, W. Va., daughter of the late Thomas and Cynthia Booth Perdue.
Surviving besides her husband, whom she married on Sept. 3, 1919, in Catlettsburg, Ky., are two daughters, Mrs. Jack (Fern) Robinson, Chesapeake and Mrs. Floyd (Betty) Davis, Sarasota, Fla., and one son, Billy Lakin, Patriot Star Route. One daughter preceded her in death. Twelve grandchildren survive.
Brothers and sisters surviving are Henry Perdue, Huntington; Mrs. Charles (Nettie) Prince, East Liverpool; Mrs. Covy (Amy) Smith, Huntington; Mrs. Dwight (Laura) Hatten, Prichard, W. Va.; Mrs. Jennings (Thelma) Haney, of Buffalo, W. Va. Four brothers and eight sisters preceded her in death.
Mrs. Lakin had resided in Gallia County with her family for 20 years. Prior to coming to Gallia, they resided in Wayne County, W. Va. She was a member of the Buffalo Baptist Church.
Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Ralph Burwell at the Waugh-Halley-Wood Funeral Home at 2 p.m. on Saturday. Burial will be in the Ohio Valley Memory Gardens. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Friday.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Thursday, July 13, 1967
Transcribed by Sandy Lee Milliron Top of Page

Lakin, Mary Rose

Mary Rose Lakin, 71, of Gallipolis, widow of Richard A. Lakin, died Tuesday at Holzer Medical Center. She was a homemaker. Survivors include one daughter, Becky Elliot of Gallipolis; and one sister, Virginia Bradbury of Urbana. Funeral 10 a.m. Thursday at Waugh-Halley-Wood Funeral Home; burial in Centenary Cemetery. Visitation will be 6 to 9 p.m. today at Waugh-Halley-Wood Funeral Home.

Gallipolis Tribune
Jan. 5, 1999
Transcribed by J. Farley

Lakin, Richard A. 'Dick'

GALLIPOLIS - Richard A. "Dick" Lakin, 74, 1183 Jackson Pike, Gallipolis, died Friday, April 10, 1998 in Holzer Medical Center. Born Jan. 30, 1924 in Huntington, W.Va., son of the late Charles Y. and Elsie L. McDaniel Lakin, he recently retired as the county planner/coordinator for the Gallia County Planning Commission. He was also the former owner of Lakin bookkeeping and Tax Service he was formerly a rural mail carrier and dairy farmer. He served on the Gallia County Junior Fair Board for 33 years and was
its past president. He was a 4-H advisor for several years. He attended the Centenary United Methodist Church, and attended Ohio State University.
Surviving are his wife, Mary Rose Fisher Lakin, whom he married Oct. 18, 1947 in Gallia County; a daughter, Becky (Mike) Elliott of Gallipolis; a granddaughter and grandson; a sister, Molly (John) Amstutz of Greenfield, Ind.; and a brother, James "Mack" (Joyce) Lakin of Tempe, Ariz. He was also preceded in death by a brother, Charles Y. Lakin Jr.
Services will be 10 a.m. Monday in the Cremeens Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. Larry Lemley
and the Rev. Orville White officiating. Burial will be in the Centenary Cemetery. Friends may call at the chapel from 6-9 p.m. Sunday. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be to youth programs at the Gallia County Junior Fair, in care of the Gallia County Agricultural Society-Junior Fair Board, p.o. Box 931, Gallipolis, Ohio 45631.

Gallipolis Tribune
April 11, 1998
Transcribed by J. Farley

Lambert, Christinia [Stowers]

Died Thursday In 80 th Year
Married over 60 Years and Leaves Husband, 6 Children, 33 Grandchildren and 39 Great-Grandchildren
Mrs. Christinia Lambert of White Oak, Morgan township, died last Thursday aged 79 years, 1 month and 13 days. She was the daughter of Mordicai and Mary Stowers and was united in marriage with Hiram D. Lambert July 19th, 1852 and last July their 60th wedding anniversary was celebrated by relatives and friends.
She is survived by her husband and six children as follows: John E. of W. Va., Mrs. Elizabeth E. Rife of White Oak, and Isaac R., Millard C. and Mrs. Margaret C. Rife of Middleport and Mrs. Harriet M. Boatman of Harpster, O. Also by thirty-three grandchildren and thirty-nine great-grandchildren. All together, Mrs. Lambert is survived by 78 direct de[s]cendants and this is somewhat out of the usual, as well as the long years of the married life of herself and husband.
She was born in Virginia Nov. 7, 1833 and came to this county in 1864. In early life she united with the M. E. church and in 1868 transferred her membership to the Second Kyger Baptist Church and was a consistent Christian and kind woman.
The funeral services were held at the Second Kyger Free Baptist church last Sunday and were conducted by Revs. Moore, Wynn and Peck. Burial at the cemetery by Glassburn of Bidwell.

[Note: Name is Christener Lambert on tombstone.]

Gallipolis Journal
Wednesday, December 25, 1912
Transcribed by Suzanne H. Giroux

Lambert, Ephraim

Found Dead
Mr. Ephraim Lambert, of Ohio township, 75 or 80 years of age, and somewhat demented from old age, was found dead in the creek on the Joe Carter farm, it appearing that he had wandered there from his home, a mile or so away and fallen upon his face in the creek in the mud and smothered to death.
Mr. Robt Carter went to the creek to water his team. His horses scared and did not want to go to the creek, and he returned home with his team and told his brother about the strange actions of his horses, when John went down and examined and found Mr. Lambert’s body. He notified Squire J. L. Fillinger who held an inquest. His verdict being that death was accidental and had been caused by suffocation.
He was a poor man and lived alone with his aged wife. He was a nice respected citizen. His burial took place Sunday afternoon, at the Campbell graveyard.

[Note: There are three Campbell graveyards in Gallia County. The one in Ohio Township has only three marked graves, while the one in neighboring Guyan Township has about 40.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Pg. 3)
Monday, September 16, 1895
Transcribed by Sandy Milliron

Lambert, Ephraim

There was a death at the Children’s Home this week, Ephraim Lambert, 4 years old. He was ill when brought there in February.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Pg. 2)
Saturday, August 28, 1897
Transcribed by Sandy Milliron

Lambert, Ernest Newton

Ernest M. Lambert
--Eighty-four years old, of Crown City, O., RT. 2, who was killed in a two-car collision Sunday on the Hannan Trace Road in Gallia County, will be buried in the cemetery at the Big Four Church on Crown City Route 2 following services tomorrow at 2 p.m. (EST) at the church with the Rev. Melvin Holley officiating. Born February 2 1880, in Ohio Township, Gallia County, he was a son of the late Stephen and Lucinda Foster Lambert.
He was married in 1909 to Clara Chandler, who was critically injured in the wreck with her husband and remained in grave condition in Holzer Hospital in Gallipolis. Additional survivors included three daughters, Mrs. Viola Blake of Hillsboro, O.: Mrs. Patty Montgomery of Scottown, O., Route1 and Mrs. Mary Belle Shropshire of Crown City Route 2; 14 grand-children and three great-grand-children, and a brother, Edward Lambert of Springfield, O. Friends may call at the Waugh-Halley-Wood Funeral Home at Gallipolis today after 4 p.m. (EST)

[Note: Died August 23, 1964; buried Big Four Cemetery; middle initial was incorrect in the headline]

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
August 24, 1964
Transcribed by Mary Crittenden

Lambert, Evelyn [Wallace]

Evelyn Lambert
Evelyn Lambert, 74, Vinton Route 2, died at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Holzer Medical Center. Born Sept. 11, 1902 in Majestic, Ky., to the late Isaac and Matilda Mounts Wallace, she married Thomas T. (Doc) Lambert June 2, 1922, who survives along with nine children, Mrs. Margaret Vickers, Danville, W. Va.; Mrs. Bertha Ceisla, Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Matilda Biliter, Majestic, Ky.; Mrs. Winnie Guthrie, and Mrs. Mary Guthrie, both of Vinton; Mrs. Alva Pennington, Newark; Thomas T. Lambert, Jr., Hillards; Tracy P. Lambert, Gainesville, Fla.; Rev. Dan L. Lambert, Obetz; 31 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.
Other survivors include four sisters and three brothers, Elsie Wallace, Stella Wallace, Rebecca Wallace and Junaita Wallace, all of Cincinnati; Jack Wallace, Cunningham, Tenn.; John Wallace, Dorton, Ky. and Gene Wallace, Detroit, Mich.
She was a member of the Vinton Baptist Church. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Saturday wt the Vinton Baptist Church with the Rev. Jerry Neal officiating. Burial will be in Ebenezer Carmel cemetery. Friends may call at the McCoy-Moore Funeral Home from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Friday.

[Note: Died February 16, 1977]

Gallipolis Paper
Feb 1977
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall

Lambert, Frank

Native Of Gallia Co., Dies In Wellston
Frank Lambert, who was born and raised near Gallia, is dead at his home in Wellston, where he had lived for the last twenty years. He is survived by his wife, six daughters and four sons. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the U. B. Church at Wellston and burial in the cemetery there. Mrs. Ida B. Wood, of Gallia and daughter, Mrs. Clifford Karns, of this city, attended the funeral.

[Note: per death certificate Born Dec 22, 1862 and Died Oct 23, 1929. Buried Ridgewood Cem]

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Oct 26, 1929
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall Top of Page

Lambert, George N.

George N. Lambert Dies at Bladen
Funeral Set For 2 P.M.Sunday At Bethel Church
George Newton Lambert died at 5:30 a.m. today at his home in Bladen after an extended illness. He was 76 years old and his parents were the late Phillip and Barbara Galloway Lambert. He is survived by his wife, Neomie Layne Lambert and these children: Perry of Crown City; Clotus and Mrs. Eugene Elliott of Bladen; Mrs. Homer Johnson of Huntington. A daughter Wreatha died in infancy. He also leaves five grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren.
Friends may call at his late home where the body will be until the hour for the funeral. It is set at 2 p.m. Sunday at Bethel Methodist Church. Rev. Earl Cremeens will officiate at the last rites and burial will be in King Chapel Cemetery by F.L. Stevers.

George Newton Lambert, son of the late Phillip and Barbara (Galloway) Lambert was born near Oak Hill, Ohio, Jan 22, 1870. Surrounded by his family he closed a long and well spent life at his home near Bladen, Ohio, April 25, 1946. Having lived beyond the allotted time of three score years and ten he obtained the advanced age of 76 years, 3 months and 3 days.
His departure leaves to mourn the loss of a kind husband and loving father. His devoted companion, Meomia (Layne) Lambert and the following children, Perry of Crown City and Corodus of Bladen; two daughters, Mrs. Homer Johnson of Huntington and Mrs Eugene Elliott of Bladen. One daughter Wreatha died in infancy. He also leaves 5 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his passing.
His health had been failing for several months during which times he was tenderly cared for by his loved ones. Mr. Lambert was a life-long resident of this community; always having followed the calling of a farmer, in which he took great interest. Although of a quiet, reserved disposition, he was man of strong convictions, who never swerved from the right as he saw the right, one who served his fellow men, not alone by precept but by example, not by words alone but by deeds. He was one citizen of whom it may truly be said he was a good man, a good neighbor.
The writer has known George Lambert for more than half a century and has the first time to hear record should be a consolation to anyone speak ill of him. Such a man, the family of which they may well be proud.

Blessed are they who die in the Lord, their good works do follow them.
I can not say, I will not say
That he is dead, he is just away.
With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand,
He has wondered into an unknown land.
And left us dreaming how very fair
It needs must be, since he lingers there.
And you, Oh you, who the wildest yearn
For the one time step and the glad return..
Think of him faring on, as dear
In the love of there as the love of here.
Think of him still as the same, I say
He is not dead. He is just away.

Gallipolis Paper
April 25, 1946
Transcribed by F.K. Brown Top of Page

Lambert, H. D.

H. D. Lambert Dead
H. D. Lambert of Cheshire, died Friday at the age of 98 [sic- probably should read 89] years, following a brief illness. He was born in East Virginia and came to here 53 years ago and has been a prominent citizen and farmer in that vicinity. Mrs. Lambert died five years ago and he has lived alone until the past three weeks, doing his own housework and cooking.
He was a remarkable man for his age being the second oldest in the county. His character was of the best, a devout member of the Baptist church. Six children survive : John E. of Virginia, Mrs Rife of White Oak, Isaac of Bradbury, Millard of Story's Run, Mrs Kate Rife of Middleport and Mrs. Boatman of Marion.
The funeral was held Sunday by Rev. Mr Weed from the Cheshire church and was one of the largest ever witnessed in that community.

[Note: Popular Ridge Cheshire; Cemetery entry reads b. 1829 died 1918]

Gallipolis Bulletin
May 9,1915
Transcribed by Ernie Wright Top of Page

Lambert, Jennings B.

Gallia Boy a Victim
Jennings Lambert of Gallia died the first of the week of influenza at Camp Sherman.

[Note: 7/16/1896 – 10/7/1918; Age 22 yrs. He was the son of David J. & Mahala A. Cotton Lambert. He was a soldier in the 14th Co. 4th Tr. Bn. He is buried in Gallia Baptist Ridge Cemetery.]

Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Pg. 3)
Wednesday, October 9, 1918
Transcribed by Sandy Milliron

Lambert, Memie K. [Layne]

Rt.2 Crown City Woman, 85, Claimed

Mrs. Memie K. Lambert, 85, a resident of Rt. 2 Crown City (Rt.7) died at 11:55 a.m. Saturday at the Haner Rest Home. She had been in failing health for two years and her condition had become serious in the past two weeks.
Mrs. Lambert was born in Ohio twp., on June 13, 1876, the daughter of the late James and Luella Flora Layne. She was married to George R. Lambert by the late Justice of the Peace J.T. Mooney on Jan 29, 1892. He preceded her in death on April 26, 1946.
Surviving children are Perry Lambert of Northup,Carodus Lambert and Mrs. Eugene (Grace) Elliott, both of Rt. 2 Crown City and Mrs. Homer (Winnie) Johnson of Huntington. There are five grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 18 great-great-grandchildren. Three sisters and four brothers preceded her in death.
Services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at King Chapel church. Rev. Jack Holley and Rev. Erie Cox will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery under the direction of the Waugh-Halley-Wood Funeral home. Friends may call at the funeral home until the hour of the service.

[Note: Born: June 13, 1876 Died: 1961]

Unknown publication & date (scrapbook)
Transcribed by Nancy McMillan

Lambert, Roy Henry

Roy Lambert Dead
Roy Henry Lambert, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lambert, of Ohio township, a lifelong invalid, died early Saturday morning, July 21, 1934. Funeral services were Sunday morning at the home of James Stewart, a neighbor, interment following in the King cemetery.

Gallipolis paper
July 1934
Transcribed by Theresa E. Smith

Lambert, Stanley Burdell

Stanley Lambert, 53, Rutland died Wednesday April 12, 1995 at his residence. He was a truck driver for J. E. Kiesling Co. in Oak Hill and a U. S. Army veteran. Born March 19, 1942 in Franklin County, he was the son of the late Orlie and Ethel Russell Lambert.
Survivors include two sons, Stanley Thompson Lambert of North Carolina and Scott Allen Lambert of Mt. Gilead, four daughters, Denise Murphy of Mt. Gilead, Susan Vipperman of Mount Gilead, Michelle Lambert of Mt. Vernon and Loretta Lynn Lambert of Sarasota, Fla.; one step-daughter, Wanda Bishop of Mt. Gilead; six brothers, Charles Lambert of Rutland, Harvey Lambert of Pomeroy, Ronnie Lambert of Pomeroy, Howard Lambert of Marion, Tom Lambert of Vinton and Donald Lambert of Gallipolis; five sisters, Janet Swisher of Pomeroy, Susan Thompson of New Haven, W. Va., Terry Chambers of Pomeroy, Kathy Lambert of Dexter and Cindy Lambert of Wilkesville; and special friend Gail Ohlinder.
He was preceded in death by three brothers, Clifford, Ivan and Irvan.
Services will be 10 a.m. Saturday at the McCoy-Moore Funeral Home, Vinton. Burial will be in the Pine Grove Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday.
Active pall bearers will be Tommy, Donald, Glenn, Curtis, Scott and Stanley Lambert. Honorary pall bearers will be Jeremy Brown, Randy Martin and Brad Swisher.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Pg. 3)
Friday, April 14, 1995
Transcribed by Sandy Milliron

Lambert, Virginia Belle [Adkins]

Mrs. Lambert, 74, Morgan Twp. Dies
Mrs. Virginia Belle Lambert, 74, died suddenly last night of a heart attack at her home on a Bidwell route extending into Morgan Twp. She had seemed about as well as usual, except for a shortness of breath, up almost to the time she passed away.
Mrs. Lambert was the widow of John A. Lambert, who died in 1930, and was a native of Lincoln County, W. Va. Her parents were Blackburn and Judy Lovejoy Adkins.
She is survived by the following children, Viola, Lonnie and John, all at home; Mrs. Verne Vittitoe, Oak Hill; Mrs. Clara Burns, Lincoln County, Anna and Yartie Lambert, Columbus, Alfred, who is in the U. S. Army and Mrs. Lucy Wallace of Langsville. There are six brothers, Reed Adkins, Ellen, W. Va., Wade Adkins, St. Albans, William, Garfield and George Adkins, Cleveland, and Matthew of Midkiff, W. Va.
The body was removed to the Butler-McCoy mortuary, but it was uncertain when funeral arrangements would be completed.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Tuesday, November 2, 1943

Lambert Rites
Funeral services for Mrs. Virginia Belle Lambert were held Thursday afternoon at Holiness Church at Morgan Center with Rev. John Hershman officiating. Burial was in Miller Cemetery by Butler-McCoy.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Friday, November 5, 1943
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lamm, Dixie Geraldine

Mrs. Dixie Lamm Died Sunday A.M.
Rites 2 [o'clock] Tuesday At Methodist Church In Eureka
Mrs. Dixie Geraldine Lamm, wife of Charles L. Lamm, died Sunday morning at her home on Bidwell Route 2, after an extended illness. She was almost 25 years old. Mrs. Lamm was the daughter of Wallace and the late Wealtha Waugh Lewis. The family formerly lived at Eureka but Mr. Lewis now resides also on Route 2 Bidwell.
In addition to her husband and father, Mrs. Lamm leaves two small sons, Charles Wallace, 6 and Freddie Merrill, 5; a sister, Mrs. Ivan Fife of Eureka also survives. Three children, a boy and two girls, preceded her in death.
The body was removed to the father's home where friends may call. Funeral services will be conducted at Chambersburg Methodist Church, Tuesday at 2 p.m. by Rev.Earl Cremeens. Burial will be in Mt. Zion Cemetery (Swan Creek) by F.L. Stevers.

[Note: stone 1921-1946. Death Certificate born April 26, 1921 Eureka, Ohio; died March 17, 1946 Raccoon Township, Gallia County; 24 years 10 months and 21 days of age.]

Gallipolis Paper
No date
Transcribed by F.K. Brown

Lamm, Wylie

Wylie Lamm born March 12, 1885 departed this life July15, 1933, at the age of 48 years, 4 months and 3 days. Mr. Lamm was a good industrious man and worked up until the time he was taken sick. He was a devoted husband and father and loved his home and children. He was united in marriage on Oct. 12, 1906 to Miss Winnie Dale of this city. To this union were born seven children, three boys and four girls, one boy preceding him in infancy. The children are Mrs. Leota Long of Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Edith Swanson of this city, Lawrence, Ferne [sic], Eugene and Junitia [sic] at home. Also four brothers and one sister and a host of friends.
We miss thee from our home dear father.

[Note: Buried in Mound Hill Cemetery.]

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Abt. July 15, 1933
Transcribed by Suzanne H. Giroux

Landen, Michelle M.

ST. PETERSBURGH, FLA - Michelle Marie Landen, 36, of Dunedin, died Wednesday, June 19, 1991 at Bay Front Center, St. Petersburg, Fla., due to injuries sustained in an automobile accident. She was a native of Portsmouth a homemaker and a member of Missouri Baptist Church in Clearwater.
Survivors include her husband Hal Landen of Dunedin; parents Patricia Compton of Gallipolis and Jim Compton of Clearwater. one son John David Hantz of Dunedin; one step-son, Harold D. Landen lll of Live Oak; one step daughter, April Iora Landen of Live Oak; one sister Debra Compton of Dunedin; one materanl grandfather, Wayne Baker of Gallipolis.
Funeral services were conducted Saturday, June 22 at Orange Baptist Church, Live Oak, with Rev. J.H. Brown and Rev Hugh Harris officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were David and Frank Nobles, Gary Peters, Gene Sheppard, Calvin Palmer and Vernon Byrd. Daniels Funeral Home of Live Oak wer in charge of arrangements.

Sunday Times Sentinel
June 23, 1991
Transcribed by aunt Marian Schoonover Top of Page

Landthorn, Mary E. [Chick]

Mrs. Mary E. Landthorn of Eureka Dies
Mrs. Mary E. Landthorn, who had been bedfast since she suffered a stroke about two weeks ago, died at 5 o'clock last evening at Eureka, as the result of a third stroke. She was the widow of Joseph Landthorn and for some years had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Osa Halley.
Mrs. Landthorn was born in Clay tp. and was a daughter of the late James Chick and she would have been 77 years old on April 13. She is survived by three children in addition to Mrs. Halley: D. C. Landthorn, Bladen; Carrie Carroll, East Gallipolis, and Lesta Watson, Crown City. There also survive a sister and a brother: Mrs. Chloe Lewis, Thivener, and Lafe Chick, Bellefontaine.
Funeral services will be held at Clay Chapel at 2 o'clock Sunday, in charge of Rev. Carl Clendenin, it was expected. Burial at the same place by Stevers Funeral Service.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
March 20, 1937
Transcribed by Joanne Galvin

Landthorn, Sarah [Hazlett]

Mrs. Landthorn Dies In Eureka

Mrs. Sarah Hazlett Landthorn, 69, widow of James Landthorn, died at her home in Eureka at 9:45 last night. She had been ailing a week or more and death was reported to be due to pneumonia.
Mrs. Landthorn was a lifelong resident of that township, was active in the M. E. church and Ladies Aid, and a kind and worthy woman. She was also a member of French City Council, D. of A. Living with her were two boys she had reared, William Eblin, 18, and Lee Burcham, 14.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Dewey Montgomery of Eureka; a son, James Landthorn of Bladen; stepsons, Archie Landthorn of Columbus and Morris of Clay tp.; sisters, Mrs. Charles Brown of Gallipolis and Mrs. Mollie Kemp of Eureka. Mr. Landthorn died about five years ago.
Funeral services will be held at the Eureka M. E. church at 3 o'clock Sunday, with Rev. E. L. Miller in charge. Burial at Clay Chapel by F. J. Entminger.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
March 31, 1939
Transcribed by Joanne Galvin Top of Page

Lane, Alexander

Prominent Farmer Dies Early Today
Alexander Lane, 80, a prominent Gallia county farmer, died in an Athens hospital at 4:22 a.m. today. Mr. Lane, a Spanish-American War Veteran, resided at 844 First Ave., in Gallipolis.
His wife, Mrs. Victoria Lane, preceded him in death on Oct. 24, 1959. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Augusta K. Benbow, Rt. 1, Gallipolis, and brothers, Noah Lane, Parkersburg, Harrison Lane, Columbus, Denny A. Lane and Walter Lane, of Rt. 1, Gallipolis. Mr. Lane had made his home with a daughter, Mrs. James Hook, for the past four years.
Other children surviving are: Alpha Sigler, Logan; Alva B. Lane, Rt. 1, Gallipolis; Homer H. Lane, Aurora, Col.; I.[Q.] R. Lane, Matairie, La., Virginia Courtney, Independence, Mo.; Grace Lemley, Rt. 1, Gallipolis; Esther Coons, Ft. Walton Beach, Fla., and John W. Lane, a grandson who was reared in the home of his grandfather. Many other grandchildren survive.
The body will be at the Wetherholt-Elliott Funeral home. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Gallia Times
Saturday, June 20, 1964

Announce Services

Funeral services for Alexander Lane, 80, who died early Saturday morning will be held at 2 p.m., Tuesday in the Wetherholt-Elliott Funeral home. Rev. Cecil Mayle will officiate. Burial will be in the Maddy Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home this evening. The Veterans of Foreign Wars will conduct military services at the grave.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Monday, June 22, 1964
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lane, Alvie

Alvie Bernard Lane, 54, of Gallipolis Route 1, was killed in the Silver Bridge disaster. An employe of the Marietta Manufacturing Co., he was a veteran of World War II, and a member of the VFW in Point Pleasant and the American Legion in Gallipolis.
He is survived by his wife, Ruth Virginia Plants Lane; two sons, Airman 1C James A. Lane, stationed at Elgin AFB, Ill., and John of Gallipolis; an adopted son, Robert Lane Dissell of Kanab, Utah; and three daughters, Mary Ruth at home, Mrs. Nancy Mattingley of Indianapolis, Ind., and Mrs. Victoria Shreve of Cincinnati.
He is also survived by two brothers, Homer of Aurora, Colo. and Clinton of New Orleans, La.; and five sisters, Mrs. James (Beulah Hook) and Mrs. Luther (Grace) Lemley, both of Gallipolis. Mrs. Douglas (Alpha) Zeigler of Logan, Mrs. John (Virginia) Courtney of Independence, Mo., and Mrs. Leon (Esther) Coon of Walton Beach, Fla.
Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday, 3 p.m. at the McCoy-Wetherholt Funeral Home with the Rev. Everett Delaney officiating. Burial will be in the Maddy Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.

Athens Messenger
Dec. 18, 1967
Contributed by Joyce Robinson

Lane, Alva Bernard

Obituaries Given For Bridge Victims
The body of Alva Bernard Lane, 54, of Addison Township, Gallipolis, O. Route 1, also was recovered Sunday evening.
Mr. Lane, an employe of the Marietta Manufacturing Co. and a veteran of World War II, was born Jan 22, 1913, in Gallia County, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lane.
Survivors include the widow and a sister, Mrs. James Hook of Gallipolis.
The body is at the McCoy-Wetherholt Funeral Home at Gallipolis.

Point Pleasant Register, Point Pleasant, WV
Monday, December 18, 1967
Page 3
Transcribed by Cheryl A. Enyart Top of Page

Lane, Beulah Ilene

Lane Baby Dies
Beulah Eileen, the 18-day old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alva B. Lane of Georges Creek, died Sunday morning and was buried in the Maddy cemetery this afternoon. The Lanes have another child nearly two years old.

[Note: Dec. 25, 1935 – Jan. 12, 1936. She was the daughter of Alva & Margaret Teeters Lane,]

Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Pg. 3)
Monday, January 13, 1936
Transcribed by Sandy Milliron

Lane, Denny A.

Denny A. Lane, 92, Rt. 4, Gallipolis, died at 4:30 a.m. Wednesday (today) at his home. He had been in failing health for several years. Mr. Lane taught school in Southern W. Va. for several years and was a former mail clerk at Northfork, W. Va. and at one time was employed at the Kanauga Gravel Yard.
A veteran of World War I, he was born Oct. 9, 1893, in Wyoming County, W. Va., to the late Simeon Lane and Lucinda Ramey Lane. He married Vernie Stover on July 2, 1935. She survives along with two daughters, Jeraldine Lane of Columbus and Mrs. Nedra June Baird of Gallipolis and four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by eight brothers and sisters.
Mr. Lane was a member of the Bulaville Christian Church, the DAV and Lafayette Post 27, American Legion.
Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday from the Waugh-Halley-Wood Funeral Home with Rev. Everett Delaney officiating. Burial will follow in Maddy Cemetery in Addison Twp. Military graveside rites will be held by Lafayette Post 27. Visitation will be held at the funeral home from 6-9 p.m. Thursday.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Wednesday, April 2, 1986
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lane, Gillie

Gallia Lane, Native, Dies
Gillie Lane, 83, Rt. 2 Crown City (Swan Creek), a lifelong Gallia county farmer, died at his home at 11:15 a.m. Saturday. He had been in declining health for over five years and his condition had been serious for the past six weeks.
He was born in Ohio twp. on Sept. 20, 1875, to the late Zibe and Mary Jane Johnson Lane. He was married to the former Genevive Nolan on Feb. 10, 1904 and she survives along with a son and daughter, Irvin Lane and Mrs. Bessie Shafer of Crown City. A son, David, preceded him in death. There are three grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
Brothers and sisters who survive are Mrs. Amanda Neal, Jim Lane and Elmira Cox, all of Gallipolis, Mrs. Mary Lynch of Mingo Junction, Mrs. Elizabeth Boster, Sherman and Charles Lane, all of Crown City. Two sisters and a brother preceded him, Mrs. Laura Green, Mrs. Missouri Angel and George Lane.
Services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Kings Chapel church. Burial will follow in the church cemetery under the direction of the Waugh-Halley-Wood Funeral home. Friends may call at the late home until the hour of the service.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Monday, June 29, 1959
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lane, Lucinda [Ramey]

Mrs. Lucinda Lane, 76, Dies At Home On Georges Creek
Mrs. Lucinda Lane, who had suffered from tumor and complications for several months, passed away at her home on Georges Creek in Addison tp., at about 1:30 Friday afternoon. The first symptoms of failing health were observed several years ago, but while she had been bedfast for weeks, the end came rather suddenly.
Mrs. Lane was 76 years old and the widow of Simeon Lane. She was born and reared in Wyoming county, W. Va., her maiden name being Lucinda Ramey. She came of old pioneer stock of the mountain country and was esteemed for her simple virtues. She was a member of the Baptist church and devoted to her loves ones.
Her husband was killed when a team of horses he was working ran away. This occurred at their home six miles from Pineville on the upper sector of the Guyandotte in 1908. She and some of the children came to this county a few years later.
The surviving children are Anthony, Alex and Mrs. Augusta Benbow of the Georges Creek community; Noah, Parkersburg; Harrison, Columbus; Denney, Evergreen, and Walter, who lives just below Addison.
The funeral services will be held at the home at 10:30 Monday, with Rev. George Sagen in charge. Burial in Maddy Cemetery by George J. Wetherholt & Sons.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Saturday, March 14, 1936
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lane, Lydia V. [Ball]

Long Illness Ends For Mrs. L. Layne - Funeral Here Sun.
Mrs. Lydia V. Lane, wife of Capt. John W. Lane, died shortly after midnight at the Lane home at Gallipolis Ferry. Her death follows a long and distressing illness which medical skill had failed in any way to relieve.
Mrs. Lane was a native of Wheeling and was 70 years of age. During her long residence she made many friends by her graciousness and through her kindly manner. These friendships continued after the family moved to their large Mason county farm a few years go. She was an affectionate and devoted wife and mother to the husband and the daughter, Mrs. Gladys Ripley, who was her constant companion and lovingly cared for her, and the son, Walter Lane.
Funeral services will be conducted Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock by Rev. L. W. Gishler at the Presbyterian church, where she was a faithful member and active in all its various groups. Interment will follow in Mound Hill cemetery.

[Note: Nov. 12, 1867 - Feb. 24, 1938; 70 yrs. 3 mos. 12 das. She was the daughter of Enoch and Mary Jane Prince Ball.]

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Friday, February 25, 1938
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lane, Mary K. [Burnette]

Mary K. Burnette Lane, 64, Addison, died Sunday, July 6, 1997 in St. Mary’s Hospital, Huntington, W. Va. Born Feb. 6, 1933 at Kerr, daughter of the late William Lowell and Ethel Jackson Kemper, Sr., she was a retired employee of the Gallipolis Developmental Center and a member of the French City Baptist Church.
Surviving are her husband, Quentin Lane, whom she married Jan. 10, 1988; two sons, Thomas Burnette and Timothy (Debie) Burnette, both of Addison; three daughters, Tammy (Larry) Keller of Bidwell, Teresa (Charles) Abbott of Crown City and Kathryn (Allan) Elmore of Lawndale, N.C.; six grandchildren; three brothers, Garland Kemper of Columbus, William Kemper, Jr., of Kerr, and Charles Kemper of Walterboro, S. C.; and two sisters, Janet Miller and Frances Secoy, both of Kerr.
She was also preceded in death by a first husband, William Burnette, on June 20, 1982; two brothers, Wallace and Milburn Kemper; and her stepmother, Virginia Kemper.
Services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday in the French City Baptist Church, with the Rev. Charles Stansberry and the Rev. John Wood officiating. Burial will be in the Mount Zion Cemetery. Friends may call at the McCoy-Moore Funeral Home, Wetherholt Chapel, Gallipolis from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Monday, July 7, 1997
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lane, Richard Eugene

Lane Baby Dies
Richard Eugene, the ten-day old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Lane of Georges Creek, died Saturday evening and was buried late Sunday afternoon in Maddy cemetery by George J. Wetherholt. The Lanes have one surviving child.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Tuesday, November 24, 1936
Transcribed by Sandy Milliron

Lane, Ruth V. [Plants]

Ruth V. Lane, 71, of 844-1/2 First Ave., Gallipolis, died at Holzer Medical Center Saturday. She was a member of Eddy Chapel Methodist Church of Leon, W. Va., and attended First Baptist Church of Gallipolis.
She was born Oct. 9, 1914 in Mason County, W. Va., to the late Jerome and Anna Plants. She was preceded in death by her husband, Alva B. Lane, who died in December, 1967.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Delmar (Mary) Cook of Gallipolis; one son, James Lane of Scottsdale, Ariz.; two stepsons, John Lane of Gallipolis and Robert Bissell of Scottsdale; two stepdaughters, Nancy Mattingly of Scottsdale and Mrs. Carl (Vicki) Shreve of Cincinnati; eight grandchildren, 10 step-grandchildren and three step-great-grandchildren. Two brothers preceded her in death.
Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at McCoy-Wetherholt-Moore Funeral Home in Gallipolis with Rev. Joseph Godwin officiating. Burial will be in Maddy Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Monday from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Pallbearers will be Charles, Mark and Quintin Lane, Roger Buttrick, Ralph Steinbeck and Ronnie Lemley.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Monday, December 23, 1985
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lane, Vernia Mae [Stover]

GALLIPOLIS - Vernia Mae Stover Lane, 86, of Gallipolis, died Tuesday, August 21, 2001 in Holzer Medical Center. She was born March 7, 1915 in Mason County, West Virginia, daughter of the late Charles Calvin Stover and Jerushia Ann Irvin. She retired from Gallipolis Developmental Center and attended Bulaville Christian Church.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Denny Lane; a daughter, Nedra S. Baird; and four brothers and three sisters, Russell Ernest Stover, Charles Calvin Stover, Joseph Raymond Stover, James Oliver Stover, Blanche Marie Stover, Frances Nellie Burgess and Rosette Ann Thornton.
Surviving are a daughter, Geraldine Lane of Gallipolis; four grandchildren, two great-grand-children and a great-great-grandchild; a sister, Golda Lucille Jaques of Dayton; and a sister-in-law, Opal Stover of Gallipolis.
Services will be noon on Saturday, August 25, 2001 in Waugh-Halley-Wood Funeral Home, with the Rev. Ronnie Lemley officiating. Burial will follow at Maddy Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home on Saturday, August 25, 2001 from 10 a.m. until the hour of services.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Wednesday, August 22, 2001
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lane, Victoria Prince [Cook]

Mrs. Lane Succumbs
Mrs. Victoria P. Lane, 69, wife of Alec [Alex] Lane of Georges Creek died Saturday in Pleasant Valley hospital at Pt. Pleasant. Mrs. Lane was a native of West Virginia, but had spent most of her life in Ohio. She was born at Rock View, W. Va., on April 21, 1890 to the late Wade and Jane Perdue Cook. When quite young she joined the Rock View Baptist church. Since coming here, she had been affiliated with the Church of God.
In addition to being survived by her husband, she leaves five daughters and three sons, Mrs. James (Beulah) Hook and Alva D. Lane, both of Gallipolis, Mrs. Luther (Grace) Lemley, Rt. 1 Gallipolis, Mrs. Douglas (Altha) Sigler of Logan, Mrs. John (Virginia) Courtney of Independence, Mo., Homer H. Lane of Aurora, Colo. and Quentin R. Lane of New Orleans, La.
Three sisters and two brothers who survive are Mrs. Burt Cook, Marietta, Mrs. Burk Brooks of Bolt, W. Va., Mrs. Carl Browning and Fred and Roy Cook, all of Rock View, W. Va. Two brothers preceded her in death.
Services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Wetherholt-Elliott-Sanders Funeral home. Rev. Cecil C. Mayle will officiate, and burial will be in Maddy cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home until the hour of the service.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Monday, October 26, 1959
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lang, John J. & Lucy A.

Funeral Is Held For Two Langs, Victims Of Fire
Funeral services for Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lang are being conducted this afternoon at Centenary Church by the pastor, Rev. James Lane. In identical caskets they will be buried in Mound Hill Cemetery by George J. Wetherholt & Sons. But one set of pall bearers was selected: George Evans, Fred Broyles, Okey Henry, H. P. Halley, Herman Northup and Luther Shoemaker.
Miss Fearn Lang, the only surviving daughter, who arrived here about noon Friday, is a teacher in the schools at Terrace Park, Cincinnati. The deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Lang were the sixth and seventh in the county from other than natural causes so far this year. However, not overlooked is the possibility that they may have succumbed to heart trouble before a trash fire reached and partly consumed their bodies.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Saturday, May 1, 1943
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Langdon, A. J.

A.J. Langdon Dies After Short Illness
Springfield Township Resident Taught School 50 Years
Mr. A. J. Langdon died at his home near Kerr’s Station Thursday morning of heart trouble at the age of 72 years. He leaves one son, E. E. Langdon of Vinton Avenue and three daughters, Mrs. Wm. Reese of Third Avenue, Mrs. Jim Boggs of Kanauga, and Mrs. Bob Raynor, near his home.
Mr. Langdon was a well known school teacher in Gallia County. The body was taken to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Raynor. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10:30 o’clock at the Old Brick Church.

Gallipolis Newspaper
July 22, 1926
Transcribed by Sandi Hardesty Top of Page

Langdon, E. Ernest

Mr. Langdon, 88, Claimed
E. Ernest Langdon, 88, resident of Vinton and former resident of Gallipolis, died Thursday (November 18, 1971) at the Holzer Medical Center at 10 p.m.
He was born Feb. 26, 1883, in Springfield Twp., son of the late Arnold and Serepta Kincade Langdon. He married Edith Swisher on Oct. 23, 1910. She survives, along with these children: Dorothy Langdon, Columbus; Mrs. Georgia Green, Jackson; Mrs. Bill (Marie) Muller, Edmonton, Canada; James Langdon, Gallipolis; Fred Langdon, Salina, Ohio; Harry Langdon, Columbus. Others survivors are fifteen grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Bob Rainer, Ironton; Mrs. Laura Reese, Columbus. Two sisters and two brothers preceded him in death.
Mr. Langdon owned and operated a garage many years on Fourth and Pine in Gallipolis. He was an auto dealer and mechanic, and a member of the Springfield Baptist Church.
Services will be held Sunday at 1 p.m. at the McCoy-Moore Funeral Home with burial in Fairview Cemetery.
Friends may call at the McCoy-Moore Funeral Home Saturday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.

Gallipolis Newspaper
November 19, 1971
Transcribed by Sandi Hardesty

Langdon, Edith

Mrs. Edith E. Langdon, 89, a resident of Rt. 3, Jackson, died Wednesday night (March 3, 1976) at her home. She was born June 24, 1886, in Cheshire Twp., daughter of the late James R. and Electa Swisher.
She married Ernest Langdon in 1910. He preceded her in death. She was a member of the First Baptist Church. She taught school in the Cheshire area for three years.
Six children survive: James Langdon, McDermett; Marie Mueller, Alberta, Canada; Fred Langdon, Celina; Georgia Greene, Jackson and Harry and Dorothy Langdon, Columbus. Fifteen grand and 10 great grandchildren survive. Three sisters survive: Mrs. Julia McGee, of Gallipolis; Mrs. Lettie Roush, Middleport and Mrs. Candace Gordon, Parkersburg.
Funeral services will be held 2 p.m. Saturday at Miller’s Home for Funerals with Rev. Wilson Wahl officiating. Burial will follow in Pine Street Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 until 9 p.m. today.

Gallipolis Newspaper
March, 1976
Transcribed by Sandi Hardesty

Langdon, Fred

High School Pupil Dies of Pneumonia Near Kerr Station Sunday Night
Fred Langdon, son of A. J. Langdon, who lives near Kerr Station died Sunday night of Pneumonia. He was a pupil in the Bidwell high school and his death has filled his associates with grief, and is a terrible blow to his parents. The funeral will be Tuesday afternoon with burial in Green Lawn cemetery. He was 19 years old and a bright young man.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
February 12, 1917
Transcribed by Sandi Hardesty

Attends Funeral
Company F went out to Bidwell today to attend the funeral of Serg. Fred Langdon.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
February 13, 1917
Transcribed by Sandi Hardesty Top of Page

Langdon, James E.

GALLIPOLIS – James Ernest Langdon, 64, a painter and mechanic well-known for his interest in baseball, was dead on arrival Friday at Pike County Hospital in Waverly. Langdon, a native of Addison was a former manager in the Gallipolis Little League. He was one of six children born to Ernest and Edith Swisher Langdon.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Larry (Sandy) Hardesty, Gallipolis; two sons, Mike Langdon of Concord, Calif., and Jack Langdon of Minford; three grandchildren, two brothers, Fred of Celina, and Harry of Columbus, and three sisters, Mrs. Georgia Green, Jackson; Mrs. W. R. Moller, Alberta, Canada, and Miss Dorothy Langdon of Columbus.
He was a graduate of Gallia Academy High School and a member of the First Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist Church with Rev. O. C. Morrison officiating. Burial will be in Pine St. Cemetery. Calling hours will be held from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. today at Miller’s Home for Funerals.

The Sunday Times Sentinel
October 31, 1976
Transcribed by Sandi Hardesty

Langdon, Nellie

Sudden; Death of Fine Young Lady
Miss Nellie Langdon, daughter of Mr. A. J. Langdon of near Kerrs, dropped dead at her home last Saturday afternoon about three o'clock. She had the measles and was thought to be recovering. She was very weak and started to walk across the room when death struck her. She was about 15 years of age and a fine young lady, whose sudden demise will bring sorrow to many friends. Her family will have sympathy of everyone in their bereavement.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon. Interment at Fairview, by Undertaker Glassburn, of Bidwell.

[Note: Cemetery entry lists the name as Chloe L. Nellie may have been a nickname]

Gallipolis Bulletin
January 25, 1907
Transcribed by Margaret Calvin

Langdon, Serepta L.

Mrs. A. J. Langdon, at Kerr, died Friday evening after an illness of only a few days with grip. Her brother, Clate Kincaid, died only about a week before and she was at the funeral services. She left a husband and several children of tender age. Her husband is a school teacher. She was a good lady and only about 35 years of age.

Gallipolis Newspaper
March 30, 1901
Transcribed by Sandi Hardesty Top of Page

Langley, Augustus Ludwell

Death of A. L. Langley
Former Gallipolis Citizen Passes Away at His Home at Charleston, W. Va.
It is with great sorrow that we are called upon to record the death of our esteemed brother-in-law, Mr. Augustus Ludwell Langley. The sad event to us, many relatives and hosts of friends, occurred at his lovely home in Charleston, W. Va., Tuesday afternoon, October 13, 1903. As we write we have no particulars of funeral or burial, but perhaps will have before going to press. It is known however, that the burial will be at Charleston.
Mr. Langley was born in this city November 23, 1845, and consequently would have been sixty years old next month. He was the son of the late William H. and Caroline Miller Langley.
Of his parents family there were first Henry W., Edward L., Annie E., Augustus L., William F. Mary F., Lilie C., and Clara C. His parents, Henry Edward and Lillie who became the wife of Dr. T. S. Brown, preceded him to the other world. Annie E., who became Mrs. J. E. Robinson, William F., and Mary, who became Mrs. Theodore J. Mitchel and Clara, who became the wife of Wm. H. Mitchell survives, Mary in New York, Clara in New London, O., and William and Annie of this city.
Mr. Langley was a handsome youth, of princely bearing, courteous manners and business talent, and was a general favorite in all circles of society. He received a good education at Gallia Academy, and reaching manhood during the war, when his father was carrying on the largest business probably that ever was carried on in this city, he was early called upon and entrusted with responsible business affairs. At one time he was a partner with his brother, Henry, and father in their large flour mill.
Before he was 21, he managed his father's hard tack bakery that supplied such a large portion of the Union Army. He managed his father's large store, where the Deardorff & Poore store is now, for quite awhile, and he assisted his father materially in the construction of the road bed of the Hocking Valley Railroad. In addition to being such an aid in all his father's gigantic enterprises he did large business on his own account. He dealt largely in horses, cattle, corn, wheat, hay and almost every speculative product. His credit, as a young man without real estate, was absolutely gilt edged and he could command at any bank large sums. Up to the time of his father's failure, we doubt if he ever lost in a single speculation of business transaction.
On September 20, 1874, he was united in marriage with one of the charming belles of the Kanawha Valley, Miss Mollie Clarkston, daughter of Col. John Clarkson, and niece of the confederate General, Jubal Early. It was a happy union and no two were ever more devoted to each other. Up to six or seven years ago, they lived on the farm of 200 acres which they yet own, just outside of the corporation, when they moved to Charleston, W. Va.
Besides his estimable wife, he is survived by a son, Clarkson, with a government surveying party in Alaska, all unconscious of his father's serious illness and death and a lovely daughter, Mrs. Annie Witt, wife of John S. Witt, of Lynchburg, Va., who has been at the bedside of her father for many weeks during his illness.
Mr. Langley died of cancer of the hip, the result of a bruise in his hip sustained in a runaway ten years ago. When it first begin to trouble him it was thought to be rheumatism. Early last spring it became very painful and was diagnosed as sciatie rheumantism. The paroxyams of pain became agonizing, later on, and he sought the most eminent physicians and went to different Springs, all without relief. His stomach became so affected that he could eat but very little, and he grew weak and greatly emaciated, enduring almost without a murmur, pain that was exerciating. As a last resort for relief he was taken to the Johns Hopkins Hospital at Baltimore, where his case was diagnosed as cancer of the hip, and beyond the skill of man to relieve. "Take him home and make him as comfortable as possibe," they said.
One can imagine, without being told, what terrible import accompanied these words to his stricken family. Our heart goes out to them in their hour of trial, and we know that hosts of friends would gladly share their sorrow did it but lighten theirs. There is a comfort, however. Calm and courageous as he always was and fully intelligent as to his condition, he told them he knew he could not live. He said he was not afraid to go. His only regret was to leave them, and he fell trustingly and calmly into the arms of Him in whose promises he had faith, and passed away forever. May eternal peace be his.
The funeral services will be at Charleston at half past two o'clock Thursday, we suppose under the direction of the Masonic fraternity. He was a 32nd degree Mason and a prominent Odd Fellow and had considerable life insurance, but we don't know how much.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Wed Oct 14, 1905
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall

Langley, Agustus L.

Death Of A. L. Langley

Mr. Agustus L. Langley died at his home at Charleston Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 13, 1903, of cancer of the hip, aged about 60 years. He was the son of the late William H. and Caroline Miller Langley and was born in this city Nov. 23, 1843. He was reared and educated in this city and for many years was active in the management of his father's vast business here.
He was married to Miss Mollie Clarkson, a niece of General Jubal Early, in Sept. 1874 and for many years lived on a splendid farm near Gallipolis, but about six years ago moved to Charleston, where they have since resided. Besides his wife, he leaves a son, Clarkson, with a government surveying party in Alaska and Mrs. Annie Witt of Lynchburg, WV.
Mr. Langley was hurt in a runaway about ten years ago and his hip had bothered him more or less until last Spring, when it became quite painful. He was taken to John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and what had been diagnosed as rheumatism was found to be cancer. He was brought back home and gradually grew worse until he passed away as above stated.
Mr. Langley was a gentleman of commanding appearance and popular with all who knew him. Besides his wife and children he leaves one brother, William and sisters, Mrs. J.E. Robinson of this city; Mrs. Theodore Mitchell of New York and Mrs. W.H. Mitchell of New London, Ohio. The funeral services were conducted at Charleston Thursday afternoon.

Gallipolis Bulletin
Friday, Oct. 16, 1903
Transcribed by F. K. Brown Top of Page

Langley, Bertha

One the 27th of May 1875, Bertha, daughter of S. T. and Kerdelia Langley, aged 7 years 3 months. Bertha was a very intelligent little girl, and her loss is deeply felt not only by the family but by all of her youthful acquaintances. The family has the sympathies of the community.

Gallipolis Bulletin
June 2, 1875
Transcribed by Lisa Halbig

Langley, Bertha

Died - In this city, of scarlet fever, May 27th, 1875, Bertha, youngest daughter of S. T. Langley, aged seven years.

The Journal, Gallipolis, Ohio
June 3, 1875
Transcribed by Sandy Lee Milliron

Langley, Birdie

Miss Birdie Langley passed away at her home on Cedar street, this city, Thursday afternoon after brief illness. She had been afflicted for a number of years with rheumatism and later developed tuberculosis. She was a daughter of the late Henry Langley and wife. Two sisters, Mrs. Fannie Raible of Huntington and Madeline of this city, and one brother, Harry Langley, survive her.
The funeral was held at Grace M. E. Church in this city Saturday afternoon by the pastor, Rev. D. F. Wood.

The Gallia Times
October 1, 1919
Transcribed by Irene Hively Blamer

Langley, E. L.

Mr. E. L. Langley, second son of W. H. Langley, of this city, died in Philadelphia last Sunday, at 10 o'clock A.M. of brain fever. He left here last Monday week, with his father for Philadelphia, and was taken sick at Altoona, on his way thither, on Wednesday—was taken on to Philadelphia and died there as above stated. His age was 27 years.

The Gallipolis Journal
November 1, 1866
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

Langley, Elizabeth [Morrison]

Mrs. Langley’s Death

Mrs. Ellen Elizabeth Langley died Saturday, April 21, 1917, following a stroke of paralysis five months ago, of bronchial pneumonia. She was the daughter of Wm. and Louisa Pilcher Morrison, and was born on Chickamauga Dec. 21, 1839. She married the late Andrew Langley, who died six years ago, in 1866, and bore five children: Mrs. Jerome Keck of Hawk’s; Mrs. Jessie Leeper of Cleveland; Harry Langley of Columbus; Mrs. Martin Geiler of Cincinnati, and Mrs. Edgar Vanden of Gallipolis. She was a devoted member of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church from her early girlhood and leaves a large circle of friends who regret her passing. The funeral will be at the church Tuesday at 2 p.m. by the Rev. Dr. Cherrington. The interment will follow at Mound Hill by Wetherholt.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Monday, April 23rd, 1917
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

Langley, Harry

Harry Langley, 66, Tinner, Dies W. C. Hospital
Harry M. Langley, native of Gallipolis, died last night in White Cross hospital, Columbus. He had suffered a heart attack.Mr. Langley had lived and conducted his business as a tinner and roofer at 534 W. First ave in that city.
He was born here 66 years ago and moved to Columbus in 1913. He is survived by his wife, Ollie, and these three sisters: Mrs. Jessie Leeper, 428 Third ave, this city, Mrs. Katie Keck, Hawk, Vinton county, and Mrs. Garnet Geiler of Cleveland.
The body will be at the home until the funeral which will be at 1 Wednesday in the Brethren church, W. Third and Oregon. Burial will be in Union cemetery.
Before Mr. Langley moved to Columbus there were two Harry Langleys here and both were tinners. The one who survives and who was a brother of the near Pittsburg at the time of his sister's death. [sic]
Harry M. it is recalled was once associated in business with his brother-in-law, the late Chas. Leeper, and with the late George McIntyre on the old McIntyre corner at Third and Court.
Harry Morrison Langley was the only son of Andrew and Ella Morrison Langley. He married Olive Black of Letart, who survives. His death came after a week's illness from bronchial flu, according to his sister, Mrs. Jessie A. Leeper. Burial will be under the auspices of the Woodmen, she said.

[Note: Per DC. B.7 July 1872 - D.15 Jan 1939]

Gallipolis paper
Jan 16, 1939
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall Top of Page

Langley, James E.

Sudden Death
Of James E. Langley, The Well Known Sewing Machine Agent from Paralysis Friday Evening.
Mr. James E. Langley died from paralysis about nine o'clock Friday evening, June 4, 1909. Nothing can be said as to his funeral services and the arrival of his brother, Richard, from Cincinnati. The death of Mr. Langley was very sudden and shocking and its sadness is felt in every part of the city. It is said that he had not been feeling as well as usual, by those most closely connected with him, but certain it is that he complained but little if any and went in and out industriously as ever and his indisposition was not generally known.
He dropped into the Tribune office about 5 o'clock for a paper and seemed, as far as was noticed, quite well. His office was in the lower room of the Opera House, the room being occupied jointly by him and the U.S. Express Agent, Mr. Phill Kling and his assistant, Mrs. W.S. Entsminger. Mr. Kling was out and Mrs. Entsminger had gone to supper and Mr. Langley was alone in the office at about 6 o'clock or an hour after being at the Tribune office, which is immediately across the street. At this time Mrs. Entsminger received a phone call from him saying, "I have been stricken with paralysis, please come down".
Her home is only a few doors above and she was down to the office in a very few moments. As she entered he sank upon the floor. Mrs. Entsminger called upon two men she did not know just outside the door and they assisted her to place him upon a cot in the back room where he had been accustomed to sleep. He could yet articulate distinctly and she asked him what physician she should call? He answered that Dr. Charles Parker had been their family physician and Mrs. Entsminger called him immediately and he was there in less than twenty minutes and administered some medicine.
The Tribune reporter was there about the same time and was with others recognized but his articulation then was slow and somewhat unintelligible. The room he had reserved for himself in his property at the corner of 4th. and Cedar, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Millisor, was in an unfinished condition and not acceptable and a nice room was procured on the first floor of the Laska Hotel, kept by Mr. and Mrs. Bartells. Chief White of the Fire Dept. kindly offered the patrol wagon and he was lifted cot and all and tenderly placed in it and taken there in an hour or so after his attack.
He seemed to rally for a little while, but there came another attack and he passed away about 9 o'clock. The first stroke of apoplexy was on the left side of the brain paralyzing the right side. The second was on the right side of the brain affecting the left side and that settled it. In this connection it is not amiss to note the extreme kindness of his physician, who went clear outside of what might be naturally expected of a physician and assisted Mr. Harry Maddy, cousin of Mr. Langley, in caring for him in every possible way to the end.
We do not know Mr. Langley's exact age, but think it was about 60. He never was married and had been with the Singer Company for many years.
He was the eldest son of Richard Langley, once a prominent merchant in the firm of S. T. & R. Langley and Sarah Maddy Langley, his mother, being a sister of Capt. Ed. Maddy's father and Mrs. Ed Maddy was with him with other friends when he died.
He started on a promising career in early life. He was of acute, keen, penetrating mind, a hard student, idolized at home, kind and sympathizing with everyone and popular with his fellows. He was prepared for college under Prof. A.G. Sears of Gallia Academy. A spell of malignant typhoid fever overtook him in his closing days of college and run down and debilitated by overwork he laid helpless for months and it was regarded as a miracle that he survived at all being always delicate. This illness ran into nervous prostration that continued for years and blighted all hope and ambition of distinction and he drifted into the employ of the Singer Company.
His mother also became an invalid and his devotion and tenderness to her were so marked by everyone that friendship felt for him was emphatically universal. After the death of his father and already under a heavy strain he built a nice home and he leaves his property, not altogether paid for, but it is thought with proper handling that it will bring his estate several hundred dollars.
After his death his body was removed to Hayward & Son's Undertaking rooms and the funeral will probably be at the Presbyterian Church of which all the family were members and the burial at Pine Street Cemetery.

[Note: Death Certificate was changed from Pine Street to Mound Hill Cemetery..born July 1849; died June 4, 1909.]

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Saturday, June 5, 1909
Transcribed by F. K. Brown Top of Page

Langley, [son of Richard and Sarah, probably a brother to James E. Langley in the obituary above.]

Died in this town, on Monday last, an infant son of Richard and Sarah B. Langley

Gallipolis Journal
Feb. 1, 1855
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

Langley, L. W.

Died, in Cincinnati, October 28, 1875, at the residence of W. C. Duncan, his brother-in-law, Mr. L. W. Langley, aged 72 years.

The Gallipolis Journal
November 4, 1874
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

Langley, Madeline

[Assuming the beginning portion was missing...] Madeline and the other children were kept out of the public schools and as a result she did not learn to read until she had attained her majority. The instruction was given by Rev. E.H. Gelvin, then Presbyterian pastor, and by other Presbyterian friends. Though perhaps she never became very proficient as a reader, it was a great satisfaction to her to be able to read the local papers, for her interests were many, though her movements were restricted to a narrow circle.
Her death takes from Gallipolis the last one of a family that was long prominent. Persons remotely related still live hereabouts, but the name of Langley is believed to be now erased from the city's population rolls. A brother, Harry Langley, lives in Washington D.C. A sister, Fannie Reible, died in Huntington about 10 years ago, and another sister, Birdie, died here in 1919. The last home of the family was on the Cedar st. lot where Dr. Vornholt's new home stands.
To Madeline the joy of giving was the joy of living. She found time to send flowers and messages of condolence and sympathy in a rather constant stream to those in need of such remembrances. She was fond of children, and they reciprocated her interest and affection. Her not infrequent ebullitions of anger were but sparks from which there was no residue rancor or resentment.
Funeral services will be held at the Presbyterian church at 3 o'clock Sunday, Rev. L.W. Gishler in charge. Interment will be made in Pine St. cemetery by Geo. J. Wetherholt & Sons.
(Only about two-thirds of yesterday's paper carried the news of Madeline's death. The end came at 3 o'clock at her rooms on Second ave. above Grape. However, papers printed before the news of her death was inserted made it clear that her death was expected before nightfall.)

[Note: From death certificate date of birth November 16, 1877; date of death January 15, 1937; father Henry Langley; mother Madeline ______ (the death certificate abstract has Raysian, but it is very difficult to read on the document itself.)

Newspaper (prob. January 1937, Gallipolis) clipping found in the Simmerman files, Bean file, Bossard Library.
Transcribed by Lynn Anders Top of Page

Langley, William H.

On Tuesday, August 29, died William H. Langley, a man well known throughout this section of Ohio. The loss of such a man to the community is not so severely felt, at a time so close to his decease, as it will be in the future. He was an active, stirring and energetic man, and one possessed of much public spirit and enterprises. Far sighted, clear in his judgments, well versed in human nature and possessed of a dogged determination to carry out his projects, when once convinced they were right. His place will be difficult to fill by another. A more honorable or upright person it has seldom been my lot to meet. Scorning what was wrong, mean, or dishonest, simply because it was so, he pursued his way undeviatingly, guided alone by his fine sense of justice and moral rectitude - a man of strong convictions. In the position he held before the public during the last few years of his life, he naturally gave offense to some and made enemies of others; yet he was never heard to speak otherwise than respectfully and even kindly, of his most determined opponents.
Becoming involved in pecuniary difficulties, some years ago, he failed in business and was unable to meet his engagements; yet those to whom he was indebted, without a dissenting voice, bear the strongest testimony to his honesty and strict integrity. Where can we look for better evidence, or a stronger endorsem*nt of his long and active career, than from those who (being his creditors) would certainly seem to be in a position to pass judgment on his probity better than any others could do.
The last few years of his life were spent in building the Gallipolis, McArthur and Columbus R.R. This had become a favorite project of his, and amidst the strongest opposition, and at times when all seemed to be lost and no ray of encouragement could be discerned, he never faltered in his work or wavered in his faith, but pushed on diligently, laboriously, and with a courage that no disappointment could quell (at times without the hope of fee or reward) working day and night, in winter and in summer, until in the service of the company he contracted the disease which brought him to his death bed. Weary, worn down in body, prostrated by sickness, fighting death to the last; he labored still to accomplish his work and died with harness on. He lived long enought to see his work established on a basis of sure and speedy success, and to find his efforts endorsed and justified by the large vote of stockholders at the recent meeting, and then died, like Moses, in full view of the promised land he had failed to reach, though not permitted to enter it.
Shakespeare says: "The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones." But now, lying in his grave, let us hope the tongue of calumny may cease, and that he may be remembered only by the priceless benefits he has conferred on this community by his untiring (and let us hope successful) effots to complete a work that will live forever a monument to his wisdom and an inestimable boon to those that live after him. Shame fall upon one who remembers aught but his virtures and forgets not his faults, past all harm from every malice, or detraction.
"After life's fitful fever he sleeps well." B.B.

[Note: Buried Pine Street Cemtery]

Gallipolis Journal
Sept 7, 1876
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall Top of Page

Lanier, Amanda Ellen

In Loving Memory of Our Mother
Amanda Ellen Lanier, passed peacefully from this life at her home at Bladen, Ohio, November 2, 1927. Mother was born in Clay Township, Gallia County, Ohio, on September 28, 1847, and when the time of her departure was at hand, she was one month and four days beyond the four-score mark.
She was a daughter of William and Mary Clark, pioneers of her native township. She was the last scion of that well-known family - all the other members having preceded our mother in death several years ago. On April 18, 1867, she was united in marriage with C.W. Lanier, who was then a gallant soldier, having just returned from the Civil War. For over sixty years they walked life's pathway together - a remarkable period of time, through which many struggles and vicissitudes were mutually shared and the pleasures enjoyed happily along the way. Six children were born to this union, their eldest, a daughter, Lavinia, preceding her mother in death thirty seven years ago. The surviving children are William A. Lanier of Crown City, Ohio; Miss Nettie Lanier at home; George A. Lanier of Richmond, Indiana; Mrs. Stella Parker of Urbana, Ohio, and Leslie Lanier of Washington, D.C.
In 1897, in the old Mount Zion church, Mother Lanier accepted Christ as her personal Savior, united with that body and continued to be a member until she joined the church triumphant. While she did not fill her place regularly in the church on account of physical infirmities, she lived an exemplary christian in her home and community, preferring to carry out the will of her Master with out undue ostentation. In the quiet of her home, it was her wont to spend many hours each day in the study of the word of God and to meditate upon its many precious promises.
A memorandum found in her Bible, indicated that she had read the Old Testament through five times and the New Testament eight times. Reading was a source of great pleasure to her, but she disdained to feed her mind on any thing but the choicest literature or any ------- what was uplifting to the human soul.
For over forty years she was a member of an organization, known as ----Shut in Society, the chief pur---- of which was to exchange read--- --tter or through correspondence and various methods keep the members in touch with one another. In this way much spiritual strength and a broader knowledge was gained through others not personally known to her. Besides these she enjoyed the friendship of a host of friends and relatives and was ever ready to welcome them in her home or minister to them in time of need.
She possessed a sweet and lovable disposition and endeared herself to all who knew her. Though never physically strong, she bore her afflictions cheerfully and it seemed that it was God's will that her last illness was not to be a long duration. When suddenly stricken on a beautiful Autumn morning, the children and friends who had gathered around her bedside, realized that the end was not far off. When it came, it was like the calm and quiet that marks the close of the day.
A few days before her departure she sent the children a little poem, the words of which seemed to express, so fittingly, a retrospective view of her life and her contemplated journey into the world beyond.

"When I am gone and for a little space
You miss me from the old accustomed place,
You must not grieve nor wish I might have stayed,
For I am glad to go and not afraid.

I know it is a journey new and strange,
A solemn, wonderful, mysterious change,
Leaving the very frame in which I've grown
And faring forth into the mist alone.

But something keeps on singing in my heart,
And makes me almost eager to depart
Singing of love that will not let me fear,
So close and safe it holds me there or here.

Though now I can but dream and vaguely grope,
Nor understand for what I wait and hope,
Yet the low voice within sings clear and true,
There is a place prepared my dear, for you.

So when the door has swung to let me through,
And shut me quite away from mortal view,
Think not of me as silent, cold and still,
But living, glad, rejoicing in God's will."---The Children

[Note: Buried Mt. Zion Cemetery in Ohio Twp]

Gallipolis paper
November 1927
Transcribed by Theresa E. Smith Top of Page

Lanier, Becca, Mrs

Mrs. Lanier Dead
Mrs. Becca Lanier, widow of Theophalus Lanier, of Harrison township, died Thursday night, aged between 70 and 80 years, of cancer and other infirmities. She was a step-mother of W. F. and C. W. Lanier and a fine old lady.

Gallipolis Paper
February 4, 1910
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall

Lanier, George A.

George A. Lanier Dies Suddenly
Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Dillion of Pomeroy, W.A. and Leslie Lanier of Crown City, returned home, Sunday from Richmond, Indiana, where they attended the funeral services for George A. Lanier, the brother of the latter two, which were held from the Unser and Waltermann Home for Funerals, Saturday afternoon, the Reverend Howard J. Brown, pastor of the Central M.E. Church officiating. The pall bearers were John Gratt, Earl Foster, Earl Moore, William Matti and Richard Kerns. He was buried in the Earlham cemetery at Richmond.
Mr. Lanier died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage, early last Thursday morning. He collapsed at his place of business, the Monday before and never regained consciousness.
The attack was thought to have been due to enthusiasm and excitement over the prospects of some new enterprises coming near...[Note: the rest of the article is cut off].

Gallipolis paper
Date Unknown
Transcribed by Theresa E. Smith Top of Page

Lanier, Justus Hartley

In Loving Memory
Of our darling boy, Justus Hartley, son of William A. and Nannie A. Lanier, who departed this life at his home in Crown City, Ohio, Christmas Day, 1915, aged 2 years, 6 months and 3 days.
It is with hearts ladened with sorrow and grief that we bring the message of his sudden departure at this joyful Christmas tide. While his little playmates were enjoying a happy Christmas celebration in their respective homes, the Death Angel visited our family circle and bore the spirit of little Justus away to its heavenly home, there to be with God forever.
While it seems hard to give up our loved ones, the idol of the home, and while it seems difficult, just at this time, to comprehend the dark providences of God, yet we realize that our Creator knows best and that he had a noble purpose in taking our boy out of this world of sin and sorrow, full of temptations, pitfalls and snares. God, in his infinite wisdom, has seen fit to draw a veil between us and the future and we are not to know the mysterious workings of his Divine providence.
The poet has said "sometimes the sable pall of death conceals the fairest boon his love can send. If we could only push ajar the gates of life and stand within and all God's workings see, we could interpret all this doubt and strife, and for each mystery we could find a key."
Though our family circle is broken, our home is sad and desolate and our hearts are heavy with grief, yet heaven will seem nearer and dearer to us all in having one ___omate of our home over there, who will be a magnet to draw our affections from earthly things to things above. Only those who have suffered a loss of this nature can fully comprehend how difficult it is to think that our boy has gone out of the home to never again cheer us with his presence.
When we look around and see the many places where his little feet have pattered, we can only say "we cannot call him dead, his fair sunshiny head is ever bounding round the chair; yet with our eyes now dim with tears we turn to him, the vision vanishes, he is not there.
We walk the parlor floor, and through the open door, we think we hear a footfall on the stair; we step within the hall to give our boy a call, and then the thought comes that he is not there. We go out on the street, some other boys we meet, with the same beaming eyes and colored hair, and as they're passing by, we follow them with the eye, scarcely believing that he is not there.
When at the cool gray break of day from sleep we wake, with our first breathing of the morning air; our souls go up with the joy to Him who gave our boy, then comes the sad thought that he is not there.
Not there? Where then is he whose form we used to see? Oh, yes, he lives; in all the Past he lives; nor to the last of seeing him again will we despair, in dreams we see him now, and on his angel brow, we see it written: "YOU CAN SEE ME THERE."

[Note: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Ohio Twp.; Lanier, Justus Hartley, born 22 Jun 1913, died 25 Dec 1915, s/o W.A.& N.A.]

Gallipolis newspaper
December 1915
Transcribed by Joanne Galvin Top of Page

Lanier, Lavenia

Lavenia Lanier

Miss Lavenia E. Lanier, daughter of C.W. and Amanda E. Lanier of Gallia County, Ohio, departed this life on the 24th February last, at half past one o'clock in the morning, by drowning in the Ohio River at the Waugh landing, where the Lanier family lived. Recent rains had so swelled the river that the water was not over 10 or 12 feet from the front door of the house. Directly in front of the house the bank is quite high and at the time of this sad and heart rending occurrence the Lanier family was having the [word missing] Lavenia among the rest.
The two sisters Lavenia and Nettie, were sleeping together in the back room. Their brother Willie was slightly recovered from the measles and restless in bed and had come out to the front room and was sitting by the door evidentally in a comatose condition, when he heard or thought he heard the front door shut and called out to know who had passed, but got no answer. Search was instigated, which resulted in finding out that the subject of this memoir, was the missing one. The news spread, the neighbors came, the search was continued for days, but no tidings of the missing girl until her lifeless body had remained in the water some 96 days and was discovered floating in the Ohio River near Millersport, Ohio.
On the 30th of May the body was recovered and easily identified by the clothing she still had on. Yes, those hose and a strip of flannel fastened around her neck by the hands of a fond Mother, told the story that this was the long lost girl. The recovery of the body brought great comfort to the minds and hearts of a bereaved family. There is but one mind among the people here concerning this case and that is that Lavenia got up from where she was sleeping by the side of her dear sister and in her sleep, had passed out through the front room and out the front door into the river.
Lavenia was the oldest of six children and was twenty-three a few days before she died. She was an amiable young lady, on whose character rested not the slightest stain. She was a kind daughter, an affectionate sister, she was a daily reader of the Bible and when awake was almost constantly singing; the last piece the family remembers of hearing her sing was "Safe at home, at home, at home with Jesus, never more to roam."
Her funeral was preached by Rev A.L. Warren, a former pastor at Mt. Zion Church from Rev. 14-13. The day after her body was found it was tenderly laid away in Mt. Zion Cemetery, to await the summons from on high. May we all be ready.

God moves in mysterious ways
His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.

His purposes will ripen fast
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste
But sweet will be the flower.

Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan His work in vain
God is His own interpreter
And He will make it plain.

Gallipolis Daily Bulletin
Oct. 3, 1891
Transcribed by F.K. Brown

Lanier, Levenia E.

Miss Levenia E. Lanier, whose sad fate we gave an account of some time ago, was found in the river at Millersport, Saturday, May 30th. She was easily identified by her clothing. She was brought up to her old home the same evening and buried at Mt. Zion on Sunday. The finding of her body was a great relief to the grief stricken family, as they could never ascertain what had become of her until she was found in the river, although the supposition was that Ohio’s water had taken her life.

Gallipolis Bulletin
Tuesday, June 9, 1891
Transcribed by Suzanne Giroux Top of Page

Lanier, Leslie Wayne

Leslie Wayne Lanier – Eighty-two years old of Crown City, O. died Monday night in a Nelsonville, O., hospital after a one year illness. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p. m. tomorrow at the F. L. Stevers Funeral Home in Mercerville, O. by the Rev, Wilson Hager. Burial will be in Mount Zion Cemetery at Bladen, O. Friends may call at the funeral home after 6 p. m. tonight.

[Note: 1882 – 1965]

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
February 8, 1965
Transcribed by Mary Crittenden

Lanier, Mary Emily [Lanthorn]

Mrs. J. E. Lanier Dies At Eureka
Funeral Service Scheduled Monday
Death after five years of failing health took Mrs. Mary Emily Lanier, 78, at her home at Eureka at 11 p. m. Friday. Mrs. Lanier, wife of James Edward Lanier, had been seriously ill for the past two weeks, with a complication of ailments being given as the cause of death. A woman noted for her friendliness, Mrs. Lanier was for many years an active member of the Chambersburg Methodist Church where funeral service will be held at 2 p. m. Monday.
First married to P. L. Cornell she leaves a daughter, Mrs. W. T. (Mabel) Porter, in addition to the surviving husband, whom she married in 1923 at Marion. Also surviving are a stepdaughter, Mrs. Jessie White of Spencer, Ind.; two brothers, Will Lanthorn of Clipper Mills and E. R. Lanthorn of Eureka. In addition she leaves six grandchildren and four great grandchildren. A surviving sister-in-law, Mrs. Bruce Cholson of Kansas, O., to whom deceased was devoted.
Mrs. Lanier was born in Clay Twp. on Christmas Day, 1871, a daughter of Abel and Jane Neal Lanthorn. Virtually her entire life was spent in Eureka.
The Rev. David Bates will officiate at the Monday rites and burial will follow in Mound Hill Cemetery under the direction of Clarence Waugh. The body will be taken to the late residence at 5 p.m. today where friends may call until time for the services at the church.

Gallipolis Tribune
Transcribed by Lew Casey
Top of Page

Lanier, Mary

Miss Mary Lanier Dies Near Bladen;
Funeral 2 Wednes.

Miss Mary Janette Lanier died at 10 o'clock Monday night, after a short illness, at her home below Bladen on Route 7. Her age was 69 years, 1 month, 21 days.
Miss Lanier was the daughter of the late C. Wayne and Amanda Clark Lanier and is survived by the following brothers and sister: W. A. Lanier, Crown City; George A., Richmond, Ind.; Leslie, at home, and Mrs. Della Parker of Urbana, O.
She was a member of the Mt. Zion Baptist church. Funeral will be held there at 2 o'clock on Wednesday, with Rev. Earl Cremeens in charge. Burial there by Stevers. The body will be at home after 5 p.m. today.

[Note: from funeral home, date of birth: 31 Jan 1872, date of death: 17 Mar 1941]

Gallipolis newspaper
March 1941
Transcribed by Joanne Galvin

Lanier, Nannie Alvenzie [Guthrie]

In Loving Memory
In loving memory of Nannie Alvenzie, beloved wife of William A. Lanier, who departed this life on Friday morning, June 26, 1931 at the age of 54 years and 10 months.
Mrs. Lanier was born in Hurricane, WV, August 26 1876 and was the daughter of Edward and Frances Riggs Guthrie. Other children born to this union are Dr. C.L. Guthrie of Gallipolis and Mrs. Lulu Michael of Springfield, Ohio.
On October 10, 1897, she was united in marriage to William A. Lanier and was his devoted companion in life for nearly 34 years. Six children came to bless their home as follows: Mrs. Fern Dillon of Crown City; Mrs. Iva Crabill of Urbana, Ohio; Sidney, Mariam and Joy at home and Justus Hartley, who preceded his mother to the spirit land on Christmas Day, 1915.
Five grandchildren also are left to mourn the departure of an affectionate and loving companion and one who was always interested in their childish welfare. They are Marjorie ad Velma Dillon, Forest Lavon and Sharon Crabill and Carol Lanier, all young and tender in years.
Mrs. Lanier gave her heart to God early in life and became a member of the Povidence Baptist Church, where she was a faithful member until she removed to Crown City and joined the Methodist Church and continued her membership there with no less devotion the the Master's cause.\
Ill for many weeks her sufferings were great, yet she bore her afflictions with the most gentle and touching patience, thinking not only of herself, but of those, who in ministering to her needs, felt the influence of gentle spirit.
Mrs. Lanier possessed a generous disposition. Her life was employed in scattering seeds of kindness and she always had a smile for everyone. She was a devoted mother, a kind and friendly neighbor and though the lamp of life was so soon extinguished we can say to the grief-stricken family, the Lord gives and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord. Mrs. Lanier left the comforting assurance with her family and friends that all was well with her soul and in her last moments she exhorted her children around her to prepare for eternity and meet her in the better life.
We think no better tribute can be said of her than that she was one who did a golden deed; one who proved a friend in need; one who sang a beautiful song; one who thought it sweet to live; one who said I am glad to give; one who fought the valiant fight; one who lived to shield the right.

[Note: Buried: Crown City Cemetery in Guyan Township]

Gallipolis Paper
June 26, 1931 Top of Page

Lanier, Parker

64-Year-Old Gallia Native Dies In Indiana
Relatives of Parker Lanier, 64, of Gallia county and a resident of Richmond, Ind., have received word of his death Monday evening. He is widely related in this county, and was the grandson of Wayne Lanier and Charles Fisher. Mrs. Will Davis of Fourth Ave., is an aunt. Mr. Lanier was widely known as a judge of ponies, and he operated a large pony farm near Richmond.
He is survived by his wife, Helen, a son George Lanier, and a daughter, Kathleen. Services and burial were held Wednesday afternoon at Richmond.

[Note: handwritten date on obituary reads, "2-10-63"]

unknown publication-found in scrapbook
unknown date
Transcribed by Lisa Halbig

Lanier, Stanley

Stanley Lanier Dies of Stroke In His 55th Year;
Native of Guyan
Cerebral Hemorrhage Proves Fatal to Prominent Clothier
Without ever regaining consciousness, Stanley Lanier, Local clothier and useful and esteemed citizen died at 5 o'clock this morning at the Holzer Hospital. He had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage about 2:30 the previous morning at his home 238 First Avenue as made known in yesterday's Tribune.
His sudden illness, pronounced virtually hopeless at the outset was about the most shocking local event of the New Year.
Mr. Lanier was in his 55th year, having been born in Guyan Township on June 24, 1891. He had been a resident of Gallipolis for 36 years and had had a successful career first as a clerk and for the last decade as a member of the firm of Siglet & Lanier. He was a Mason and had served the Blue Lodge as secretary for a long time. He was also secretary of the Masonic board and finance officer of Lafayette Post, American Legion. In these roles his work was simply excellent and neither organization every thought of calling on anyother member to do the work. Mr Lanier had done so satisfactorily.
When Mr. Lanier retired Monday night he appeared to be in normal health, although he had contracted a slight cold. About 2:30 in the morning Mrs. Lanier awakened and found him obviously nauseated and speechless. He was rushed to the hospital then.
Stanley's death was the first among the children of the late W.F (one-time county commissioner) and Julia Campbell Lanier. When but 17 Stanley passed the county teachers' examination but was a year too young to be permitted to teach. He had received his education in the Guyan schools and at Rio Grande College. When 18 years old he taught for a short time at Leaper, giving up his school to accept a clerkship in the late W.P. Deardorff's shoe store. At later periods, both before and after World War I he worked in the shoe store of the late Frank Ball (?)
He was a soldier (a corporal) in that war and while stationed at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, in May, 1918, he and Mary Robinson of this city were united in marriage. Shortly thereafter his military unit was sent overseas and participated in the closing phases of that great conflict. His married life was a happy one and he is survived by Mrs. Lanier; a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Supance, now a teacher at Eaton, Ohio and a son, William, who is a Pharmacist's Mate 3rd Class and stationed at the naval hospital in Philadelphia. (Both arrived home late Tuesday and Mrs.Supance believes her husband arrived yesterday at some eastern port after serving overseas.) Also surviving are two sisters and two brothers; Mrs. J.P. Haskins and Mrs. John Williams, both of Gallipolis; Thomas A. Lanier, formerly of Portsmouth and now at Daytona Beach, FL and Will C. Lanier, Cincinnati.
Mr. Lanier's body is at the funeral home of G.J. Wetherholt and Sons, but arrangements for the rites had not been completed at noon.

Lanier Rites Set For 3 [o'clock] Friday
Funeral services for Stanley Lanier will be held at 3 o'clock Friday at the funeral home of George J. Wetherholt & Sons. The Masons will have charge and a local minister will offer prayer. Interment will be in Mound Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home at any time.
Yesterday's account of the death of this exemplary citizen failed to mention that he had long been a member of the Gallipolis lodge of Elks.

[Note: stone.. 1891-1946. Death Certificate: born June 24, 1891; died Jan. 23, 1946; 54 years, 6 months and 24 days of age.]

Gallipolis Paper
No date
Transcribed by F.K. Brown Top of Page

Lanier, William A.

William Lanier Dies At Age 85
William A. Lanier, 85-year-old retired postmaster of Crown City and one of the county's most widely-known characters, died Tuesday at 7:40 p.m. in Holzer Hospital from a cerebral hemorrhage suffered Dec. 15, and for which he had been hospitalized since. He had been paralyzed on the right side and was unable to speak articulately during his illness.
For thirty years a school teacher in Guyan twp., interrmittently with clerking on Ohio River steamboats, and for 25 years postmaster of the village, he is perhaps even better known as a correspondent for many years of Gallia county newspapers chiefly the old Gallipolis Bulletin and The Gallia Times.
An ardent pedestrian, he perhaps could have reported almost to the mile the distances he had walked while a rural teacher, and during his retirement he made occasional odysseys into the historical southland and his narratives of these soujourns were history personified.
He was a charter member of the Cabell County McGuffey society and a regular attender of its gatherings, including a pilgrimage some years ago to Dearborn, Mich., as a guest of the late Henry Ford.
Appointed postmaster of Crown City in 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson, he maintained the office in a two-story brick building which had once housed a bank in that village and enjoyed recalling that the door on his safe was from a vault that had once been _?_acked by the famous Jesse James.
An omniverous reader, he could recite by the hour quotations from the great works of literature and reveled in tracing down historical data about his bailiwick and turning them into entertaining reading for the patrons of Gallipolis newspapers.
Born Aug. 24, 1869, on a farm near Mercerville, he was a son of the late Wayne and Amanda Clark Lanier, and his natal day, which coincided with that of Dean William A. Lewis of Rio Grande college, had been the occasion for a joint celebration over a period of years.
On Oct. 10, 1897, he married Nannie Gutherie, who preceded him in death more than 20 years ago and to this union were born six children, of whom four survive. They are Mrs. Hobart (Fern) Dillion, Gallipolis; Sidney of Pomeroy; Mrs. Miriam Doughman of Huntington and Mrs. Hugh (Joy) Stevers of Crown City. Mrs. Forest (Iva) Crabill of Urbana preceded him in death in 1939 and a son, Justice, died at the age of two. Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. Will (Stella) Parker of Urbana and a brother, Leslie, of Bladen. Twelve grandchildren and ten great grandchildren also survive.
Funeral services will be conducted at the Crown City Methodist church Thursday at 2 p.m. by Rev. Marvine Turner, the pastor, with burial following in Crown City cemetery by F. L. Stevers. Grandsons of Mr. Lanier will serve as pallbearers.

[Note: Cemetery entry gives year of death as 1954.]

Unknown publication
Unknown date
Transcribed by Lisa Halbig

Lanthorn, Francis Marion

In this hour of grief and sadness over the passing from our circle of husband, father, grandfather and friend, we turn to the pages of the Sacred Book for solace and comfort. There we read "Blessed are they who die in the Lord" and as we resign the body of our loved one to its final resting place it gives us consolation and hope of a blessed reunion.
Francis Marion Lanthorn, son of the late John and Casann Crouse Lanthorn was born in Harrison Township, Gallia County, June 12, 1869. Passed away at his home in Chambersburg, Ohio, June 18, 1952, aged 83 years and 6 days.
On April 12, 1892, he was united in marriage to Sarah M. Broyles, who survives, along with these daughters, Mrs. Gertrude Hazlett of Winfield, WV; Mrs. Garnet Gothard and Mrs. Goldie Gothard of Chambersburg, Ohio. Two sons and two daughters preceded him in death. He also leaves 24 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends. He was one of ten children, all deceased, except one sister, Mrs. Clara Barcus, who resides in Chambersburg.
In early manhood he was converted and baptized and united with the Macedonia U.B. Church, but in recent years had transferred his membership to Chambersburg M.E. Church.
He was a home loving man tenderly devoted to his family and friends and was blessed with a keen sense of humor and his kindness and unfailing consideration of others had endeared himself through these years to a host of close friends and acquaintances who will be saddened by his home-going.
He was an industrious and prosperous farmer and his entire life had been spent in Gallia County, except in 1925 he was appointed Supervisor of Meigs County Roads and he and his devoted wife lived in that County for 5 years. He then came back to Chambersburg where he has resided since.
He had been in failing health for five years but had taken a marked turn for the worse during the past winter and all that medical skill and willing hands could do was done to alleviate his suffering and prolong his stay; but his frail body was weary and his tired heart ceased to throb and the Master said "Come and rest". His long and distressing illness was patiently borne.

Dear Dad, now is sleeping
So free from all pain
Awake him not to suffer again
His slumber is peaceful,
Oh, let him sleep on,
His illness is ended, his trouble all gone,
Oh think what he suffered
So feeble with pain,
Through the long weary nights,
We soothed him in vain.

[Note: Stone ..1869-1952...Mound Hill Cemetery]

Gallipolis Paper
June 1952
Transcribed by F.K. Brown Top of Page

Lanthorn, Guy

Guy Lathorn Died in Hospital at Ashville, N.C. After Long Illness
Guy Lanthorn, formerly of this county, died in the United States Veteran's hospital at Ashville, N.C. on May 12, 1926, after long illness.He leaves his wife, Mary Hamilton Lanthorn, daughter of J. T. Hamilton of Clipper Mill, and a daughter, Eleanor Irene, aged 4 years, his parents, four sisters and a brother.
Mr. Lanthorn was a soldier in the World War serving in the 26th Division, and was a charter member of Lafayette Post, American Legion, of this city.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at Ohio Chapel, interment in Mound Hill cemetery.

[Note: From stone B.1895]

Gallipolis paper
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall

Lanthorn, J. Tom

J. Tom Lanthorn,67, passed away at 3:10 p.m. Monday in an Indianapolis hospital where he had been a patient since Sunday following an emergency operation. He was lockmaster at Dam 26, Chambersburg until the roller dam was built in 1937, when he was transferred to London locks.
He retired two years ago. Mr. & Mrs. Lanthorn (Vera Saunders) went to St. Louis when he retired to make their home near their son, Elmer Lanthorn, Peerless Pump Co. executive. The son was transferred to Indianapolis last fall and the parents also moved there.
The decedent was the son of John and Casanna Crouse Lanthorn. He was born in Harrison Township. Besides his wife and son, he is survived by three grandchildren; one brother, F.M. Lanthorn, Chambersburg; a sister, Mrs. Clara Barcus, Chambersburg and numerous nieces and nephews in Gallia and Franklin Counties.
Services were held 2 p.m. Friday at the First Baptist Church, burial in Mound Hill Cemetery by Wetherholt Funeral Home.

Gallipolis Paper
Transcribed by F.K. Brown

Lanthorn, Jane

Death of Mrs. Jane Lanthorn
Mrs. Jane Neal Lanthorn died at her home at Chambersburg Friday, Oct. 31, 1924, at the age of 91 years and 6 months.

Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. by Rev. McCarley with burial at Clay Chapel by Undertaker Stevers.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
3 Nov 1924
Transcribed by Kathy Hill Lynch Top of Page

Lanthorn, John M.

Rites Held For John M. Lanthorn
Funeral services for John M. Lanthorn, who died Monday in Charleston at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carl M. Chafin, were held this morning at the George J. Wetherholt and Sons funeral home.
The body arrived by New York Central train and Rev. R. P. McCarley officiated at the last rites at 10:30 a.m. Burial was in Mound Hill Cemetery.
Survivors besides the daughter are a sister, Mrs. Robert Barcus, Clipper Mills, and three brothers, France Lanthorn, Eureka; Tom Lanthorn, Winfield; and Will Lanthorn, Columbus

[Note: 1875-1945 handwritten on obituary]

Gallipolis Newspaper
No Date
Transcribed by Margaret Calvin

Lanthorn, Jos. B.

Death of Mr. Lanthorn
Mr. Jos. B. Lanthorn, died at his home in Chambersburg Thursday evening, Nov. 26, 1908, of tuberculosis, having been confined to his bed for a month.
He was 52 years of age and is survived by his wife and five children - Dempsey and Mrs. Orlando Wolf, both employed at the O. H. E.; Mrs. Hattie Call, of Terre Haute, Ind.,; Mrs. Osa Halley, of Chambersburg; Miss Lesta, at home and also by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lanthorn, of Chambersburg, and the following brothers and sister; J. A., of this city; Wm., of Clipper Mill; Ezra , of Huntington; Lincoln and Mrs. Lew Cornell, of Chambersburg.
The funeral services were held at 11 o’clock Saturday at Clay Chapel, Rev. Queen officiating. Burial at same place by Undertaker Myers.

Gallipolis Bulletin
Friday, December 4, 1908
Transcribed by Sandy Lee Milliron Top of Page

Lanthorn, Margaret “Maggie” [Allmon]

Woman, 76, Dies Here Saturday
Mrs. Margaret “Maggie” Lanthorn, 76, who lived at 73 Mill Creek Rd., died there at 3:10 p.m. Saturday. She had been in failing health for several years and for the past three had been an invalid. Her condition had worsened since last Wednesday.
Mrs. Lanthorn was a native of Clay Twp., where she was born Oct. 15, 1879, daughter of the late George and Lucy Hazelett Allmon. On March 29, 1908, she was married to Dempsey C. Lanthorn, who survives. They spent most of their married life in the Teens Run area, coming to Gallipolis 17 years ago. Mrs. Lanthorn was a member of the Advent Christian Church and was active as a Sunday School teacher until her health failed.
The Lanthorns had no children but reared two nieces, Mrs. Gladys Allmon Clark of Mill Creek and Mrs. Mary Eblin Garlic of Bladen. Other survivors are two brothers and a sister, H.C. Allmon and Miss Della Allmon, both of Columbus, and Arthur of Bishopville. A brother George preceded her in death.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., at the Church of the Nazarene, with Rev. Vernon Shafer officiating. Burial will be in Mound Hill Cemetery under the direction of the C.J. Waugh Funeral Home.
Friends may call at Waughs until just before the funeral hour. Pallbearers will be Lincoln Call, Lester Thompson, Edward Williamson, James Taylor, Rush James and Ray Gothard.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
March 1956
Transcribed by Deanna Partlow

Lanthorn, Mary E.

Mrs. Mary E. Lanthorn of Eureka dies.
Mrs. Mary E. Lanthorn who had been bedfast since she suffered a stroke a bout two weeks ago, died at 5 o'clock last evening at Eureka as the result of a third stroke. She was the widow of Joseph Lanthorn and for some years had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Osa Halley.
Mrs. Lanthorn was born in Clay Twp. and was a daughter of the late James Chick, and she would have been 77 years old on April 13. She is survived by three children in addition to Mrs. Halley: D.C. Lanthorn, Bladen; Carrie Carroll, East Gallipolis and Lestie Watson, Crown City. There also survives a sister and a brother: Mrs. Chloe Lewis, Thivener, and Lafe Chick, Bellefontaine.
Funeral Services will be held at Clay Chapel at 2 o'clock, Sunday, in charge: Rev. Carl Clendenin, interment expected, burial at the same place by Stevers Funeral home.

Gallipolis Tribune
March 1937
Contributed by Kathy Lynch

Lanthorn, Merril Thomas

Merril Thomas, son of Mary and Guy Lanthorn, was born Sept. 7, 1924, and died Aug. 22, 1925, aged 11 months and 15 days.
Merril was an exceptionally sweet, bright and lovable child, his father's pride and his mother's joy. It seems hard to part with these darling baby jewels of the home, but we have consolation in the words of the Master who said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven."
This precious little flower which budded on earth to bloom in heaven is feelingly described in Longfellow's poem, "The Reaper and the Flowers":

The mother gave in tears and pain
The flowers she most did love;
She knew she should find them all again
In the fields of light above.
O, not in cruelty, not in wrath,
The Reaper came that day;
Twas an angel visited the green earth,
And took the flowers away.

The funeral was held Sunday at 2 P.M. at the home of J. T. Hamilton by Rev. J. R. Field, interment at Mound Hill cemetery by Wetherhold & Sons.

Young Babe Dead
Merril Thomas, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lanthorn, died at the home of its grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hamilton of Clipper Mill, Saturday, Aug. 22, of infantile paralysis. Funeral service was held at the home Sunday afternoon by Rev. J. R. Field of Gallipolis, burial following in Mound Hill Cemetery.

Gallipolis paper
Aug. 22, 1925
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall Top of Page

Lanthorn, Walter Lincoln

Lincoln Landthorn Passes Away Sunday
Lincoln Landthorn, who was about 75 years old, died Sunday night in the state hospital at Athens. He had been in failing health for several years.
Mr. Landthorn was the son of Lewis Abel and Rachel J. Landthorn, was born and spent his entire life in Gallia county. He was a farmer and lived in the Eureka neighborhood.
Mr. Landthorn married Fannie Gothard and she died a few years ago. They had no children, but a sister and three brothers survive. They are Mrs. Emma Lanier of Eureka, J. A. Landthorn of Columbus, Ezra of Huntington and W. S. Landthorn of Clipper Mill.
Arrangements are being completed by Funeral director F. L. Stevers and it is expected the funeral will be held at Clay Chapel Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock and burial will be in the church cemetery.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Monday, January 6, 1936
Transcribed by Sandy Milliron

Lanthorn, William Sheridan

Death Claims W.S. Lanthorn

William Sheridan Lanthorn, 91, one of the familar figures of Gallia county and who had possibly painted more homes and buildings in the city and county during his long career, died as he was being taken to Holzer hospital at 7;15 a.m. Tuesday. He had been about as usual Monday and during the night he became ill and gradually failed.
His later years were spent at Clipper Mills where a niece, Mrs. Della Bell, lived with him in a home that nestled among the large rocks of the village. He was a native of Ohio twp., and was born back of Bladen on Jan. 3, 1866, one of nine children born to Lewis Abel and Jane Neal Lanthorn. The only survivor of his immediate family is a brother Ezra of Chambersburg.Three children were born to that union, Mrs. Ada Richards of Columbus and Mrs. Harry (Ora) Cromlish, who survive. The latter lives near the parental home. A son William Earl died at age 13 months. There are twelve grand and twenty-one great grandchildren.
His first marriage was to the former Emma Frances Clark in 1885, who died many years ago. His second marriage was to the former Jeannette Bush in 1898. She passed away in the 1920's. After their marriage they operated a general store near Mutton Hollow.
Lanthorn was a member of Providence Baptist church and after moving to Clipper Mills was active for many years in the Third Avenue Church of God. In recent years he had attended Ohio Chapel Methodist church and services for him will be held there at 2 p.m. Friday. Rev. H.M. Smith will officiate, and burial will be in Providence Cemetery under the direction of Miller's Home for Funerals. Friends may call at Miller's until the hour of the service.

[Note: Born: 01/03/1866, Died: 1957]

Unknown date and publication (from scrapbook)
Transcribed by Nancy McMillan

Lanthorne, Ezra Raymond

Ezra Raymond Lanthorne—Eighty-nine years old, a former Huntington resident, died in an Ashland Ky. nursing home yesterday. He was born in Bladen, Ohio and formerly was a grocer here. He was the son of the late Lewis and Jane Nea_ Lanthorne. Surviving are three sons, N. H. Lanthorne of Ashland, B. W. Lanthorne of Logan and R. J. Lanthorne of Oxnard, Calif.: two daughters, Mrs. F. W. Ervin of Ashland and Mrs. W. S. Brangham of Rasida, Calif.; 15 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren. He was a member of the Methodist Church of Bladen. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at Willis-Mann Mortuary by the Rev. Wendell Stutler. Burial will be in Woodmere Cemetery. Friends may call at the mortuary after 3 p.m. today.

Gallipolis Daily
January 30, 1965
Transcribed by Mary Crittenden Top of Page

Lanthorne, Sadie

Sadie Lanthorne, a little girl three years of age, died at the Children’s Home Sunday morning.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Pg. 1)
Monday, July 24, 1899
Transcribed by Sandy Milliron

Large, George William

George William Large, 82, a retired salesman and resident of Porter died Sunday afternoon in Medical Center Hospital. He retired a few months ago after representing the Belmont Casket Co., of Columbus for over 51 years. He was a member of several funeral director's associations, Porter Methodist Church and Morning Dawn Lodge of Masons. He had served his community as a member of the board of education.
He was born at Bristol, Tenn, on Dec. 8, 1863, son of the late William and Polly Ann Barger Large. His first marriage was to the former Sarah Goodwin and she preceded him in death in 1937. Two sons survive that union; Clarence and Ivan, both of Columbus. His second marrage was to Mary Goodwin in 1941, and she survives along with the following children, William F., a teacher at Gallia Academy, Mrs. Don Call of Columbus, and Patty Large at home. There are three grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Other survivors are seven sisters and four brothers.
Services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Porter Methodist Church and burial was in Vinton memorial Park.

[Tombstone shows Born 1883 - Died 1966]

Gallipolis Tribune
May 1966
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall

Larrimer, William E.

Death of W.E. Larrimer
Last Monday morning about half past four o'clock Mr. William E. Larrimer, commonly known as "Boone" Larrimer, shot himself throught the head at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Sauer, opposite Point Pleasant, and died in about an hour. He had been an invalid for several years, suffering from an incurable malady, and his sufferings were intense. Early Monday morning his sister heard a muffled noise in the house, which she thought was caused by the explosion of a can of fruit. Going to her brother's room shortly afterwards she noticed the blanket over his face, and pulling it off saw that he had shot himself. The neighbors were immediately called in, but it was too late to do anything, and although Larrimer breathed for nearly an hour he never regained consciousness. Coroner Parker held an inquest in the morning. The deceased was thirty-seven years of age and was one of the best known sporting men in this part of the State. He was unmarried. Two sisters survive him, Mrs. Fred Sauer and Mrs. Reubeun Hay, who devoted themselves to supplying his every want during his illness. The burial was at the Old Cemetery, on Tuesday.

[Note: Pine St. Cemetery was called Old Cemetery. Cemetery stone lists name as William Larmer & inscription states it was erected by a friend.]

Pt. Pleasant Weekly Register
Wednesday, November 7, 1894
Pt. Pleasant, West Virginia
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron Top of Page

Larrimer, Wm.

Died, of consumption, in Chambersburg, Gallia county, Ohio, Mr. Wm. Larrimer. Aged 41 years. He was born April 6th, 1829, in Jefferson county, Ohio, came to Gallia county, Ohio, in 1854, and died August 3d, 1870. He joined the Methodist Episcopal Church when fourteen years old and experienced religion, and he was faithful unto death. His sufferings were great and protracted, yet he bore them with Christian patience and without complaining of his sufferings, giving clear and satisfactory evidence of his preparation for death, and as he drew near the closing scene of life he became very happy. He died in great peace, and doubtless has entered upon that rest that remains for the people of God.
He leaves a wife and three children, and a widowed mother, and brothers and sisters, and a large circle of relatives and friends—but their loss is his gain. May they all follow his example and meet him in Heaven. May the blessings of God rest richly and copiously upon the wife and children, and mother, and brothers and sisters, and all meet to part no more, where death and separation will never take place, but where they will bloom in immortal youth in the bowers of bliss, forever and ever. D. Tracy, Pastor

The Gallipolis Journal
August 18, 1870
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

Lasley, A. Baker

A. Baker Lasley, Near Chesire, Died 1:30 Monday
Rites at Middleport And Gravel Hill Wednesday P.M.
A. Baker Lasley, of whose critical illness there was mention in Monday's Tribune, died at 1:30 that afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott near Cheshire. (The Scotts live across the road from the Lasley place and they had been close and loyal friends of Mr. Lasley before and after his health failed.)
Mr. Lasley's daughter and only child, Miss Floritia Lasley, of Heriden and Hartford, Conn. arrived at the Scott home before her father passed away, but he had been in a coma for several days.
The body was removed to the mortuary of Rawlings Coats in Middleport and funeral services will be held there at 2 o'clock (fast time) Wednesday. Rev. Ralph Zundell of Middleport and Rev. George Tipton of Cheshire will officiate. Interment will be made in Gravel Hill Cemetery in sight of the Lasley homestead.
Amos Baker Lasley was the older of two sons of David and Florilla Mauck Lasley and he was born at Kyger. He was 70 years old last March 11.
As a young man, many an old friend will recall, he was a remarkably good baseball player - a hard hiting first baseman. He was dapper and neat in appearance and a spirited and popular young man.
In his late 20's he located in Meriden, Conn., and spent the middle part of his life there. More than 15 years ago he returned to the old family home and he and his brother, Thad F. Lasley, lived together till the latter's death during the flood seven years ago. Thereafter he lived alone looking after his fine stock farm and other interests.
For nearly a year his health had been failing. While occupying a room at the Scott home he contracted the flu, the after-effects of which caused his death.His death removed the name of Lasley from the roster of the living residents of Cheshire Twp. for the first time in far more than a century.

[Note: B. 1868 D. 1944, from tombstone. CT records show that the Lasleys were divorced, and Mrs. Bertha Lasley, a music teacher born in MN, died 26 November 1964 in Meriden CT at the age of 87.]

Gallipolios Tribune
No dates
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall

Lasley, Abraham

Another Pioneer Departed
Abraham Lasley died at the residence of his son-in-law in Jackson county, Ohio, May 4, 1878, aged 88 years. His remains were brought to this city for burial, and the funeral services occurred on Monday.
The deceased was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, in 1790; he came to Ohio in 1799, and has ever since been a resident of Gallia county, except for the last twenty months. In the early history of Methodism in the West his house was a preaching place and the home of the preacher. He was a paying subscriber to the Journal for over fifty years. Peace be with him.

[Note: He is buried at Pine Street CE. Gravemarker date of death May 3, 1878, 88y. Note difference in date from obituary.]

Simmerman files, Tope file with a notebook of handwritten obituaries that Ann Simmerman copied from Mary Tope's scrapbook, Bossard Library.
Transcribed by Lynn Anders Top of Page

Lasley, Ansel Tupper

Death of A. T. Lasley
Mr. Ansel Tupper Lasley died suddenly of apoplexy at 2 o’clock this morning, August 26, ’96, in his 76th year, being 75 years old April 3, 1896. The funeral services will be conducted from his late residence at a date and hour given, when distant relatives are heard from, most probably on Friday by Rev. J. W. Dillon, pastor of the M. E. Church, the interment following at Mound Hill, conducted by Undertaker Wetherholt.
The death of Mr. Lasley came suddenly and unexpectedly, has overwhelmed in grief his entire family, and sorrowfully surprised the whole community. He had been in feeble health for two years and able to do but little, but yet was around and about until three weeks ago, when he had an acute attack of hernia, for which he submitted to a severe operation, and from which he rallied completely.
A truss was to have been adjusted by Dr. E. W. Parker today, so that he could get up and about again. Tuesday he was apparently well. Indeed, up to forty minutes before death there was no premonition of the sad end, he being engaged in pleasant conversation with those about his bedside. The stroke came suddenly and he sank into unconsciousness, passing away, immediately after the arrival of the physician, who had been hastily summoned.
Mr. Lasley was a good man, without a single bad habit, honest and upright, quiet in his ways, generous, kind, and enjoying the good will and esteem of every one. He was devoted to his family, and each member of it was devoted to him, and through his entire life not a thing was left undone that would add to his comfort, especially during his illness.
He has gone to his reward having lived a correct life. His end was peaceful, but fell heavily upon the noble companion that has made life’s journey by his side for over fifty years, but all the kindness and tenderness of the human heart will be here to comfort her.
Mr. Lasley was a son of David Lasley and was born on a farm three miles below town and lived there until 1865, when he sold out to J. E. Pitrat and moved to town. His father moved to town a good many years ago and died in the residence now occupied by Capt. Aleshire, aged 63, with consumption in January 1848. His mother died in the E. L. Menager property occupied by Mr. Cyrus Blagg on Third street, December ’83, aged 90.
He had one brother, Arius, and no sisters. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Cole January 26, 1847. By her he had eleven children—A. F. Lasley, of this city, Wilbur, of Minneapolis, Samuel, of Richmond, Ind., Harry and Lewis, of Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., Mrs. Clinton Ridenour, of Dublin, Ind., Mrs. S. S. Sprouse and Mrs. Thomas Farnshell, [Fornshell] of Richmond, Ind., Mrs. John Williamson, of Pt. Pleasant, W. Va., Mrs. H. E. Tippett, of Plattsburg, N. Y. and Charles Millard, who died in infancy and the only one of the large family that is not living.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Pg. 3)
Wednesday, August 26, 1896
Transcribed by Sandy Milliron

Lasley, Arius N.

DIED - At the residence of his brother, Mr. A.T. Lasley in this city, Mr. Arius N. Lasley in the sixty-third year of his age. Mr Lasley was born four miles below this city, May 26, 1828, was the youngest of two children and always lived in Gallia County until some nine years ago when he removed with his family to St. Lawrence, South Dakota. He spent a few years there, then with two of his daughters went to Riverside, CA. After spending a few years there they returned to South Dakota, where the youngest daughter, Miss Clara, died of consumption. She having been a great favorite of her father, he never recovered from the shock and his health gradually began to fall, having taken a severe cold, on returning from California, thinking perhaps a visit to his old home in Gallia County, would greatly benefit his health, in company with his oldest daughter, started on their homeward journey just one month ago, reaching their destination June 11th.
Mr. Lasley seemed some better the first week after his arrival, but began to fail and on Tuesday, July 7th. all that was mortal of one we loved so dear, passed away.
He was a father of six children, two having died in infancy. Clara, the youngest daughter died two years ago in her twenty-first year. Two married daughters were at his bedside during his illness. His only son, resides near Danville, IL and could not be present. Mr. Lasley lost his wife nineteen years ago with consumption, he having lived a widower ever since.
He never belonged to any church, but lived a Christian and when God called him he was ready to go and said "It's all right. It's all right." His remains were laid to rest by the side of his wife at Clay Chapel Cemetery to await the resurrection morn.

Gallipolis Journal
July 27, 1891
Transcribed by F.K. Brown

Lasley, Charles Augustus

Died in Winona county, Minnesota, Dec. 16th, 1863, Charles Augustus, oldest son of Anselm and Josephine Laslie, aged 2 years, 6 months, and 6 days. About three hours before he died, he fell into a deep sleep, from which, he never awoke; but we have an assurance that he enjoys the rest of saint's in heaven.

The Gallipolis Journal
Jan. 14, 1864
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

Lasley, David M.

Died, on the 18th, David M., son of Areus N. and Margaret E. Lasley, aged one year, four months, twenty days. Poem follows.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 26, 1866
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

Lasley, David R.

This well know citizen, died at his home in our village May 9th, 1883, at the advanced age of 73 years 6 months and 20 days. He was born in Gallia County, Ohio, on the 19th October, 1809, and was the second child of Abraham Lasley and Nancy Ann Reynolds. He was married October 9th, 1834, to Annie Mauch, by whom he had one son, Joseph William, who resides in Ky. He was married a second time to Susan Maria Langenfelter, on the 25th June, 1843. By the latter marriage there were ten children, six of whom are still living.
He came to Labanon, Ill., about the year 1840, and engaged in merchandising until 1861, when he retired from business. He then secured some position in government employ, and was absent for a year in Kentucky. Subsequently he removed to Cumberland County, Ill., where he resided two years; afterwards he returned to Lebanon, where he remained until death. At various times he was elected to offices of trust by his fellow citizens, which showed the confidence reposed in him. The last prosition held by him, was that of U. S. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenus, to which he was appointed about three years ago. He was a good scribe and an accurate accountant,-his books and accounts have frequently elicited praise from employers of government officials, because of their neatness and correctness.
Mr. Lasley made a profession of religion in his youth and united with the church, at one time being a member of the United Brethren, and afterwards of the Methodist Church. For several years he was a class leader and an exhorter, and quite actively engaged in church work. During these years he manifested a very great liking for Chas. Wesley's stirring lines, beginning "Come, let us anew, our journey pursue", as doubtless embodying the sentiment uppermost in his mind.
He had been ailing since last Christmas, his ear troubling him, and the inflammation extending to his brain terminated in death. On Sabbath afternoon he uttered his last audible word, from which time he appeared unconscious until about 2 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, when he passed off quietly.
He was a kind husband, a good father, an humble trusting christian, and a universally respected citizen. In his dealings with his fellow men, he was very conscientious; at times manifestig an anxiety to avoid the appearance of evil. In conversation he was calm and charitable, always evincing an even and composed frame of mind.
The funeral services were held at his late residence on Thursday afternoon and were attended by a large number of our citizens. At the grave, he was buried in accordance with the beautiful and impressive ritual of the A. F. and A. M. of which order he had long been a highly esteemed member. - Lebanon (Ill.) Exchange

Gallipolis Journal
June 14, 1883
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall Top of Page

Lasley, Elizabeth

Death of Miss Elizabeth Lasley
Miss Elizabeth Lasley died this Wednesday morning, Nov. 9th, 1921, at 5:30 at the home of her cousin, Mr. Herbert Henking. Miss Lasley was the daughter of Abraham Lasley and Abrigall [Abigal] Barlow, born in Gallipolis, Oct. 11, 1842. At the age of 9 years she came to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Henking, who raised her. Since the death of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Henking, she has made her home with her cousin, Mr. Herbert Henking and family.
She was a life long member of the Grace Methodist Church of this city and active in all of its work. She had been in declining health for sometime and for the past few weeks confined to her room. She was a woman of high esteem and had many friends who will regret to hear of her death.
The funeral services will be conducted at the Henking residence on State Street Thursday afternoon at 2:30 by Rev. Morrell and interment at Mound Hill cemetery in charge of funeral director Geo. J. Wetherholt.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Wednesday, November 9, 1921
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lasley, Florilla [Mauck]

Mrs. Lasley's Funeral Rites Held At 2 P. M.
Estimable, Aged Woman Dies in Home Over Which She Presided Since 1878, Near Cheshire
Funeral services for Mrs. Florilla Lasley, whose death on Saturday was briefly announced in Saturday's paper, are being held this afternoon at the Lasley home near Cheshire. Rev. J.W. McMahan, M. E. pastor, officiated. Burial in Gravel Hill cemetery by Undertaker F. J. Entsminger. The pall bearers were Arthur Scott, W. H. Jacobs, Leith J. Reynolds, J. Ed Bing, Carl Jenkins and Harley Coughenour.
A native of the neighborhood in which most of her adult life was spent, nearly everyone in Cheshire tp. knew and respected and esteemed Mrs. Lasley. Her life was devoted to home-making and to the care of her loved ones.
Florilla Mauck was born Jan. 24, 1849, the youngest child of Newton and Anna Rothgeb Mauck, who lived on Turkey Run back of Gravel Hill about half a mile from where Mr. Lasley died. She lacked four months and two days of being 86 years old. The older children were born near the mouth of Campaign creek, the site of the first home in Ohio of this branch of the Mauck family.
On January, 1867 - 23 days before her 18th birthday - she and David Lasley were married. They began housekeeping in what was then and long afterward known as the Tenney place, a third of a mile below Kyger, and the children, Baker and Thaddeus F. Lasley, who survive her, were born there.Then they moved to Missouri, living near Kansas City about two years, when they returned and made their home on the Mauck farm on Turkey Run. After a short stay there, they went back to Kyger and Mr. Lasley opened a meat market. The building he used for slaughtering stands in the lower end of the village.
Three years later, or in 1876, they moverd to what is now the L. J. Reynolds home in sight of Cheshire. Two years after that they acquired and occupied what had been the Peter Knopp home and 24 acres. More land was purchased as Mr. Lasley achieved success as a buyer and seller of cattle, sheep and hogs; and the farm has long been regarded as one of the prettiest and best in the county.
Because of his extensive operations and square dealing Mr. Lasley became widely known as a stock buyer and their business became even greater when the younger son, Thad became a partner. The business was carried on by the latter for some years after Mr. Lasley's death on April 3, 1914.
Early in their married life Mr.and Mrs. Lasley became members of Old Kyger church and were among its most generous supporters for a long period.Mr. Lasley whose ancestors were the nobility of Scotland, was
a Union soldier and was a zealous and indefatigable supporter of whatever cause or institution or charity that won his approbation. And Mrs. Lasley was a faithful and loyal helpmate in all his activites.

Gallipolis Tribune
Sept. 24, 1934
Transcribed by J. Farley Top of Page

Lasley, Frances V. [Whaley]

Frances V. Lasley
Near Carrollton, Moss Creek Tp., Carroll county, Mo., August 12, 1876; Frances V. Lasley, wife of Baldwin B. Lasley, and daughter of James W. and Sally Whaley, in the 41st year of her age.

Gallipolis Journal
September 21, 1876
Transcribed by Henny Evans

Lasley, Laura W. [Wilkinson]

Mrs. A.F. Lasley Dead
Mrs. Laura W. Lasley, wife of Mr. A.F.Lasley of this city, died at the family home Friday, June 22, 1928, after several weeks illness. Mrs. Lasley was born in Gallipolis 76 years ago, 1851. She and Mr.Lasley were married Sept. 18, 1871.
Besides her husband she leaves a son, Ott. W.Lasley of Seattle, two daughters, Mrs. Hayward Alexander of Huntington and Mrs. Merrill Kerr of Athens, a sister, Mrs. Mary McGonagle of Gallipolis, brothers Thomas Wilkinson of Little Rock, ARk., and Joseph Wilkinson of Columbus, two half sisters, Mrs. Emma Morton and Mrs. Nora Powell of Columbus, and a half brother, Louis Blanc of Florida.
The funeral was Sunday at her late home by Rev. Beardsley, interment following in Mound Hill cemetery.

Gallia Times
June 28, 1918
Transcribed by Nancy McMillan

Lasley, Mary [Rife]

Mary Lasley
Lasley, Mary, widow of the late James Lasley, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. L. Keller, at one o’clock a.m., August 18, 1892, near the town of Plymouth, Carroll county, Mo.
The subject of this sketch was born in Gallia county, Ohio, July 18, 1822, and was seventy years and one month old. She was the daughter of Henry and Tabitha Rife. She united with Free Will Baptist church and remained in that faith until her death. She was united in marriage to James Lasley on Jan. 30, 1849. The family moved to Minnesota in the fall of 1862, and moved to Carroll county, Mo. in the fall of 1867, and have resided here ever since. She leaves two daughters and one son to mourn their loss. Her last sickness was of short duration, only being confined to her bed about one week. The Doctor pronounced it a case of prostration, being old and feeble the extreme heat of the past month was too much for her. There is a Reaper whose name is Death, and with his sickle keen he reaps the bearded grain at breath and the flowers grow that grow between. J.W. Lasley

Gallipolis Journal
August 24, 1892
Transcribed by Henny Evans

Lasley, Mary J.

Mrs. Mary J. Lasley died at her home on Third Street Thursday morning about four o'clock,in her 71st year. She was the widow of the late Abraham Lasley, who died about 12 years ago. Deceased moved to this city about 50 years ago from West Virginia. She was a kind, charitable woman and a member of the M.E. church. Four children are left to mourn their loss--Mrs. Sarah F. Henry, of Pittsburgh; Mr. John W. Lasley of Allegheny, Mrs. Ampudia Earwood and Mr. [sic] G.T. Williams, of this city. The funeral services will be conducted this (Saturday) afternoon from her late residence by Rev. J.W. Dillon, of the M.E. Church. Interment at Pine Street Cemetery by Hayward & Son.

Gallipolis Bulletin
February 1, 1896
Transcribed by Henny Evans Top of Page

Lasley, Otto W.

Otto Lasley Dies in Seattle, Washington
Word of the death of Otto W. Lasley, which occurred in Seattle Friday, July 7, was received here by the family Saturday. Mr. Lasley, son of A. F. Lasley, was born and reared in Gallipolis and lived here the major portion of his life. He left here with his family in 1908 for Seattle where he was engaged in the lumber business. He had been in failing health for a number of years and his death was not unexpected.
He leaves his wife, Jennie Warriner and five children, Frances, Charles, Aileen, Willard and Laura Elizabeth. One child, Bess Pharby, died in infancy. He is also survived by his aged father and two sisters, Mrs. Hayward Alexander of Huntington and Mrs. Merrill Kerr of Athens.
Funeral and burial will take place in Seattle Monday, July 10th. Otto Lasley had a host of friends here during his boyhood and young manhood. He was a handsome, genial, worthy man, and the news of his passing will cause deep regret among all who remember him.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Monday, July 10, 1933
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lasley, Samuel B.

Death of Mr. S. B. Lasley
Mr. Samuel B. Lasley, of Garfield aveneue, died about noon today of heart trouble and aged about 73 years. His wife died some years ago but he left one son, Rev. Thomas Lasley, a Baptist minister of Portsmouth, and one daughter, Mrs. Wild of this city, with whom he lived.
Mr. Lasley has resided in this city for many years. He was a former contractor of the Fuller & Hutsinpiller furniture factory and was on the police force for many years. He was a member of the M. E. Church for many years and a very clever, upright, conscientious citizen with many friends. Wetherholt has charge of the burial which will be at the Cottrell graveyard near Yellow Town most probably Monday. He had been in poor health a long time.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Feb 6, 1904
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall Top of Page

Lasley, Samuel B. [Kinder]

Mrs. Samuel B. Lasley
The Visit of Death
Mrs. Samuel B. Lasley died very suddenly at her home on Second Street, just above Pine, on last Sunday morning, October 16, 1898. She retired Saturday evening seemingly in good health, and about five o’clock Sunday morning she was taken ill. Dr. Parker was summoned, but she died soon after his arrival. Neuralgia of the heart is attributed as the cause. She was in the 69th year of her age and was the daughter of the late Henry and Mary Kinder.
She was united in marriage to Mr. Lasley June 15, 1848, and to this union eight children were born, four of whom survive her, namely, Rev. Thos. Lasley, of Rutland, Ohio; Albert and Samuel Lasley, and Mrs. Nannie Wild. She also has one sister living, Mrs. Sarah Whitaker, of Winfield, W. Va.
The funeral services were conducted from her late residence Tuesday afternoon, Rev. L. L. Magee, of the M.E. Church, officiating. The burial took place at the Pine Street Cemetery, by Wetherholt.

Gallia Times
October 22, 1898
Transcribed by Henny Evans

Lasley, Wilbur M.

Wilbur Lasley Dies In Miami, Florida
Wilbur M. Lasley, a native Gallia countian, died Thursday in Miami, Florida, according to a message received by his venerable brother, A. F. Lasley of this city. Mr. Lasley lived in Minneapolis, Minn., where he held a responsible and prominent position in railroad circles. As was his custom, he and Mrs. Lasley had gone to the sunny south for the winter, arriving in Miami only last Friday. No particulars were given as to his illness in the message to the brother here and so far as he knew he had not been in ill health. He was about 57 years of age.
The body was to be returned for burial to Minneapolis where he had resided for many years. Several adult children with the widow, survive, as do these brothers and sisters: Everett and Lewis Lasley and Mrs. Hattie Tibbett, of Minneapolis, Mrs. Mary Ridenour, and Mrs. Amanda Fornshell, of Indiana, and harry Lasley of Henderson, together with the brother here.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Friday, March 11, 1932
Transcribed by Sheri Culler

Lathem, Margaret Ann [Betz]

Mrs. Margaret Ann Lathem, of near Morgan Center, aged about 70, died suddenly last Friday and was buried Saturday. She weighed about 300 pounds and was the sister of Ethanil Betz, James Betz, Colonel Betz, Oliver Betz, Amos Betz, John Betz, Smith Betz, George Betz and we think one other whom we have forgotten.

[Note: Born October 19, 1822.Died April 29, 1892 and buried in Robinson Cemetery in Morgan Twp.]

Gallipolis Journal
May 4, 1892
Transcribed by Jessica L. Weber

Lattin, Dianna C.

Mrs. Dianna C. Lattin, wife of Dr. C.A. Lattin, whose serious illness has been mentioned in the Journal from time time, died this Friday morning, July 6, 1894 at 9 o'clock, at her home near Angola. Her funeral will occur Sunday at 10 o'clock a.m. at Clay Chapel. Burial by Wetherholt. She was a most estimable lady with a large circle of relatives and friends who will sadly miss her.

Gallipolis Journal
July 11, 1894
Transcribed by Nancy McMillan

Lautenslager, Amelia [Brandstetter]

Death of Mrs. Amelia Lautenslager
Mrs. Amelia Lautenslager, daughter of Xavier Brandstetter, died this (Wednesday) morning Jan. 30, 1924, of heart disease at the age of 80 years. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. K. K. Morris of Cleveland and Mrs. Bird Rose of this city and one son, Frank Rinderle of Sidney, one sister, Mrs. Sophia Nagels of Columbus and her niece Miss Emma Wharis. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Mr. W.N. Hayward is in charge of the burial.

[Note: Death Certificate..Amelia Lautenslager born April 1844, Baden, Germany; died Jan. 30 1924 Gallipolis, Gallia County, Ohio; 80 years of age. Widow/Henry Lautenslager. Cause of Death: Acute Dilatation of heart/cardiac disease. Burial: Pine Street Cemetery]

Gallia Times
Wednesday, Jan. 30, 1924
Transcribed by F.K. Brown Top of Page

Lautenschlager, Henry

Death of Henry Lautenschlager
Last Sunday evening, September 26, 1898, at about 10:30 o'clock, Mr. Henry Lautenschlager passed quietly away in death. He had not been enjoying good health for some years, but had only been confined to his bed about two weeks before his death.
He was born at Wurtumburg, Germany, February 17, 1830. He came to this country in 1852, and located at Cincinati. He was a shoemaker by trade, giving up that business in 1854, and engaged in the hotel business.
At Ironton, O., during the war, he was proprietor of the Ironton House. He was united in marriage at Ironton to a Mrs. Cook, who died while a resident of that city. To this union two children were born, and a son, Mr. Louis Lautenschlager, still survives.
Deceased came to this city in 1874, and took charge of the Merchants Hotel, then conducted by Mrs. Amelia Rinderle, whom he married. To them one daughter was born, Miss Theresa Lautenschlager. Deceased was a memberof the Knights of Pythias, becoming connected with that Order in this city in 1878. He leaves besides his wife, one son and one daughter, and several step-children.
The funeral services were conducted from his late home on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Gelvin, of the Presbyterian Church, officiating. The burial was at the Pine Street Cemetery, by Wetherhol, under the auspieces of the Knights of Pythias.

Gallipolis Bulletin
Oct 1, 1898
Transcribed by Maxine Marshall

Lava, Lotta

Miss Lava, about 20 years old, daughter of Mr. John Lava of Springfield township, died Thursday night of typhoid fever. Mr. Lava has had a run of typhoid fever in his family. He lost a son several weeks ago, and it is said there are others ill in the family.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Pg. 3)
Friday, February 2, 1900

Squire Marlo Bing of Rodney was in town today and says Miss Lota Lava, whose death was mentioned yesterday, will be buried in the old Matthew Smith graveyard on the Clendenin farm in Springfield township. Mr. Bing helped dig her grave and also that of her brother who died a few weeks ago. In both instances they dug into other graves, in one finding nothing but some pieces of wood that might have belonged to a coffin; in the other a few pieces of skull and some little while buttons—all gone even to the bones.

[Note: There is an unknown cemetery located on the Clendenin property listed in section 19 and in 1874 atlas. This is part on the Clendenin property.This could be the cemetery indicated.]

Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Pg. 2)
Saturday, February 3, 1900
Transcribed by Sandy Milliron

Lavin, Wm.

Death by Violence
A sad affair occurred in this city last Wednesday afternoon, resulting in the almost immediate death of one of our citizens. The parties were Mr. Wm. Lavin, an old gentleman of 60 years or more, and John A. Van Vleck, a youth of 13 years, and son of Dr. J. A. Van Vleck. The death of Mr. Lavin was the result.
The only judicial examination of the case that has taken place, was the one before Coroner Wall, on Thursday. The verdict was, that "Lavin came to his death by a sharp pointed knife in the hands of John A. Van Vleck, by which the femoral artery, on the left side, was partly severed." The testimony, substanially, developed these facts. It seems that John Van Vleck and James Lavin, both youths, got into a fight at the river, at the foot of Dufour's wharf. Mrs. Lavin, the mother of the boy and wife of the deceased, being present, parted them. Mr. Lavin, the victim in this sad affair, hearing of the fight, went to the bank of the river, to inquire into it, and probably to stop further quarrelling.
Young Van Vleck soon after came up the wharf, with his knife open, in his hand, whittling. As he reached the top of the bank, some words passed between Lavin and the boy, when the former took hold of Van Vleck, and, in the attempt to wrestle the knife from the boy's hands, a short scuffle ensued. Lavin succeeded in getting possession of the knife, and then stepped back a few spaces, when it was discovered that he was stabbed, from the blood spurting from the wound quite freely. He walked 75 or 80 feet, and then fell, and died within 12 or 15 minutes. At what part of the scuffle the cutting was done, the witnesses were unable to tell. The knife was a common one-bladed Barlow.
Mr. Lavin has been a resident of our city for some years, and was known and respected as a quiet and inoffensive citizen. Van Vleck was before Mayor Damron on Friday, and waiving an examination, was bound over to Court, in the sum of $1,000.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 22, 1869
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

Lawless, Eva May

Gallia Native Succumbs at 86 In Columbus
Mrs. Eva May Lawless, 86, a native of Gallia county, and a resident of 655 Frebis Ave., Columbus, died on Thursday. She was the widow of William Albert Lawless. Mrs. Lawless was a former member of the First Baptist church in Gallipolis, and the Ladies Auxiliary of the Spanish-American War Widows.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lenora R. Frazier of Oak Hill, W. Va., and Mrs. Ruth R. Forsythe of North Louisburg, O. There are seven grandchildren, 24 Great grandchildren, and six great great grandchildren. Two sisters also survive.
Graveside services will be held at 12:30 p. m. Saturday in Gravel Hill cemetery at Cheshire under the direction of Schoedinger Funeral home.

Gallipolis Tribune
July 8,1966
Transcribed by J. Farley

Lawless, Herbert

Herbert Lawless Dies In Florida
Herbert Lawless, 59, a native of the Porter community, died Tuesday in Delray Beach, Fla. He had been an executive with two publishing firms, the Periodical Service Bureau and Keystone Readers Service.
Mr. Lawless was the son of the late Lawrence and Lillian Summers Lawless. He attended Bidwell-Porter Schools, and graduated from Bidwell-Porter High School in 1922. He attended Ohio University. His residence was in Sandusky and he had spent the winter in Florida. He is survived by his wife and a son, and one brother, Donovan Lawless, of St. Louis, Mo.
Services were held in Delray and the body was cremated, and will be interred in Vinton Memorial Park. Mr. Lawless was a benefactor of the Porter Methodist Church, having made many sizeable gifts for the improvement of the church. He had planned upon his retirement to reside in the village.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Friday, April 24, 1964
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lawless, Iredill

Ardell Lawless of Springfield township, died on the 9th, and his funeral services were conducted at Porter, Thursday. He was 70 years of age and a good citizen.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Pg. 5)
Saturday, April 13, 1895

Mr. Iredell Lawless, whose death was mentioned in the Tribune last week, was a man 66 years of age, a successful farmer, and noted among his neighbors for his honesty and morality.

[Note: 1830 – April 10, 1895; Age 64 yrs. 11 mos. 10 das. His cause of death is listed as consumption. He is buried in Fairview-Long Cemetery, Springfield Twp.]

Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Pg. 2)
Tuesday, April 23, 1895
Transcribed by Sandy Milliron

Lawless, James

LAWLESS - Near Porter, Gallia County, Ohio, April 8th, of consumption, James Lawless in the sixty-third year of his age.
He was a native of North Carolina. He came to this county at an early age and settled in Gallia County where he remained up to his death. He was for many years a member of God's church, and worthily exhibited its principles by a correct demeanor and constant devotion. In his last moments he was clear and trustful in his experience. A wife and nine children mourn their loss.
G.W. Isaminger

[Note: He is buried at Fairview CE. Gravemarker date of death April 8, 1863.]

Simmerman files, Tope file with a notebook of handwritten obituaries that Ann Simmerman copied from Mary Tope's scrapbook, Bossard Library.
Transcribed by Lynn Anders Top of Page

Lawless, James I.

J. I. Lawless, 80, Bidwell, Dies Tuesday
James I. Lawless, 80, Bidwell, died around 2:30 a.m., today at his home. He had been in failing health eight years, and in serious condition since last December after suffering a stroke.
A retired farmer, and a trustee for 12 years in Springfield Twp., he was born April 8, 1888, in Springfield Twp., son of the late James Leonard and Fannie Penney Lawless.
Surviving are the following children: Atwood Lawless, Fostoria; Charles Lawless, Toledo; Mrs. Robert (Iris) McKean, Fostoria; and a foster son, Lloyd Erwin, Huntington, W. Va. Seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren survive. One sister, Miss Emma Lawless, survives.
He was a member of the Westerman Methodist church. Services will be held 1 p.m., Friday at the Waugh-Halley-Wood Funeral Home with Rev. Freeland Norris officiating. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home between 7 and 9 p.m., Thursday.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Wednesday, March 19, 1969
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lawless, Janetta

Died, in Porter, June 27th, 1869, Janetta, wife of Merriman Lawless, in the 30th year of her age. The deceased was an exemplary woman, and an affectionate wife and mother. With [an] unassuming disposition, she moved peacefully along the quiet walks of life, winning the confidence and esteem of all who formed her acquaintance. She was converted when about fourteen years old, and in the hour of her departure from time triumphed in the Christian's faith. The husband and motherless little ones are truly bereaved; but it is their privilege to look to Him for comfort whose grace can sustain them and bring them at last to that bright home where parted friends shall meet again. J. W. M.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 22, 1869
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes Top of Page

Lawless, John

Lawless - Near Porter, July 1oth, 1882, John, son of Meriman and Nettie Lawless, aged 17 years and 10 months. Johnny was a member of the M. E. Church for several years and was truly a Christian boy, loved by all. Although afflicted for many years, he murmured not, and in his last illness (consumption) his Christian resignation was conspicuous, always expressing a willingness to go at the Master's call. He has gone to his reward. C.

Gallipolis Journal
August 24, 1882
Page 3, Column 6
Transcribed by Margaret Calvin

Lawless, Lillie G.

Mrs. Lawrence Lawless Dies Near Midnight
Lillie G. Lawless, wife of Lawrence A. Lawless, died at 11:45 Wednesday night at their home in Porter. Death was caused by liver trouble and ended a serious illness of two months’ duration.
Mrs. Lawless was a native and lifelong resident of that community having been born at Porter, Oct. 19, 1871, and having reached the age of 62 years, eight months and eight days. She was a daughter of David and Eliza Poindexter Summers.
On Sept. 7, 1897, she and Mr. Lawless were united in marriage by Rev. B. F. Dudding. Two sons of this union survive; Donovan Lawless, Philadelphia, and Herbert, Cleveland. She is also survived by two brothers and one sister; Hal Summers and Mrs. Minnie McMillen, Jackson; Edward Summers, Columbus.
Mrs. Lawless was a member of the Porter M. E. Church and was highly esteemed.
Funeral services will be held at the residence at 2 o’clock Saturday, with Rev. R. R. Denney in charge. Burial in Vinton Memorial Cemetery by Undertaker J. L. Coleman.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Thursday, June 28, 1934
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron Top of Page

Lawless, Lydia [Rothgeb]

OBITUARY - Lydia Rothgeb, daughter of Henry and Sarah Butcher Rothgeb and the eighth child of a family of 12, only two of whom survive, was born Nov. 19, 1844 and died Feb. 8, 1920, aged 75 years, 2 months and 19 days. She was married to James Lawless in Jan. 1888.
At an early age she united with the Christian Church and lived a consistent Christian life, attending the services of the church as long as she was physicially able. During her last sickness she told her daughter-in-law that her sufferings would soon be over and that she was not afraid of death. The following hymn was one of her favorites.

"I would not live always;
I ask not to stay where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way.
The few lurid mornings that dawn on us here,
are enough for life's joys, full enough of its cheer.

Who, who would lie always, away from his God--
Away from yon Heaven, that blissful abode,
Where rivers of pleasures flow bright ov'er the plains,
And the noontide of glory eternally reigns."

Truly a good woman has gone to her reward.

[Note: Burial in Clark Chapel Cemetery in Morgan Township]

Gallia Times
Feb. 19, 1920
Transcribed by F. K. Brown

Lawless, Margaret [Sawyers]

In Springfield tp., near Porter, on the 23d day of January, 1880, of pneumonia, Mrs. Margaret Lawless, better known as Aunt Peggie, aged 77 years and 9 days.And so another good Christian has fallen asleep in Jesus.And although there seemed to be but few immediate relatives left to mourn her loss, she has a host of sorrowing friends who sadly miss her here.

Gallipolis Journal
April 1, 1880
Transcribed by Henny Evans Top of Page

Lawless, Olive Etta

DIED - in Springfield township, near Porter, October 18th, 1867, Olive Etta, daughter of Merriman and Jannetta Lawless, in the 8th year of her age.

The Gallipolis Journal
October 24, 1867
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

Lawless, Samuel J.

Samuel J. Lawless, son of Merriman and Janette Lawless, was born near Porter, O., August 8th, 1862. He was married to Miss Maggie Kelley, near Porter, O., by Rev. Hiram Howe, April 29th, 1884. He died of consumption at his residence in Porter, Ohio, on the 11th of November, 1894, at the age of 32 yrs., 8 mo., and 3 days, and leaves to mourn their great loss, a beloved and loving wife, sister and brother; also, many sorrowing relatives and a large circle of friends.
He was a consistent member of the M.E. Church for about nine years before his death, and was all his life a faithful attendant at church and Sunday school as long as health permitted. He died, as he had lived, trusting in the merits of Jesus Christ. The evening before his death his wife read to him from the New Testament Scripture. He then committed her to the care of his Heavenly Father, his soul to Jesus and in the enjoyment of the peace, consolation and hopes of the Gospel of Jesus, he gently and sweetly passed from the labors and duties of earth to the rest and and joys of Heaven. He was a loving and faithful husband, a good citizen, and an honest man, and we join in weeping with those who weep and mourning with those who mourn.
His funeral services were conducted by the writer, and attended by a large crowd of people at Porter M.E. Church, Nov. 13th. The sermon was from the test: I shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness. J.W. Smith

[Note: Samuel is buried in Fairview-Long Cemetery in Springfield Township.]

Gallipolis Bulletin
December 15, 1894
Transcribed by Henny Evans Top of Page

Lawless, William

DIED - At his home near Porter, O., October 3d, 1894, Mr. Wm Lawless, in the 83d year of his age. He was born near where his death occurred, April 5th, 1812. A companion and eight children survive him. He had been afflicted for about eight years, not able to attend to any business. He was a good neighbor, highly respected by all who knew him. He is gone but not forgotten.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. R. R. Denney. Text: Job 16 and 22. Burial at Long’s Cemetery by Glassburn.

The Gallipolis Bulletin
Saturday, October 13, 1894
Transcribed by Sandy Lee Milliron

Lawless, William Albertus (Burt)

Bert Lawless, Spanish War Veteran, Passes
William Albertus (Bert) Lawless, who had been in failing health the past two years, died this morning at 4:45 at his home on Mill Creek street. Death was ascribed to chronic myocarditis.
Mr. Lawless was born in Porter sixty three years ago, the son of George and Caroline Humphrey Lawless and lived his entire life in this county.
In 1901 Mr. Lawless married May Thomas, who with two daughters survive him. The daughters both of whom are married are Mrs. Downie Frazier, Eagle, W.Va., and Mrs. Thomas Forsythe, of Fountain Park, Union county. He also leaves a sister Mrs. Frances Gore, of Columbus, and six grandchildren.
Mr. Lawless saw service in Porto [sic] Rico during the Spanish-American war and will be buried with a military escort.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Elias Wetherholt's funeral home at First avenue and Cedar street. Burial will be in Gravel Hill cemetary.

Gallipolis Tribune
October 30, 1933
Transcribed by J. Farley Top of Page

Lawrence, Evelyn

Mrs. Lawrence Died At 8:45 A.M.
Mrs. Evelyn Lawrence, widow of Ferd Lawrence, died at 8:45 this morning at her home in Kanauga. She had been in failing health a long time and for weeks her condition had been serious, if not hopeless. During her invalidism she was tenderly cared for by her daughter, Miss Lulu Lawrence, who lived at home.
Mrs. Lawrence was a native of Lincoln County, W. Va. Her husband died in 1914 and they are survived by these children, in addition to the one already named: Leonard Lawrence, Huntington, Mrs. Catherine Huffman, Griffithsville, W. Va., Everett Lawrence, Columbus; Ferd Lawrence, 58 Pine Street, this city; Mrs. Clarence Mulford, Cheshire, now somewhat improved after a long illness; Mrs. Tom Adams, Kanauga, and Ashford Lawrence, who is in the armed forces and stationed in New Jersey. Another daughter, Mrs. Grady Copeland, died three years ago in Flint, Michigan.
Funeral arrangements had not been completed when the foregoing lines were written. A funeral director of Hamlin, W. Va., was summoned.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Wednesday, May 23, 1945

Lawrence Funeral To Be At 10 Friday At Kanauga Church
Funeral services for Mrs. Evelyn Lawrence will be held at 10 o’clock at the Kanauga Church with Rev. E. C. Venz in charge. Then the funeral party will leave for Griffithsville, W. Va. where a short service about 2 p.m. at Eden Baptist Church will precede the interment in the May Cemetery.
Mrs. Lawrence, who died at 8:45 Wednesday morning at her home in Kanauga, was in her 86th year, having been born in West Virginia (then Virginia) on September 7, 1859. She was the widow of Michael Lawrence (not Ferd as stated in yesterday’s paper) who died in 1914. Among the surviving relatives are 15 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Thursday, May 24, 1945
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lawrence, Evelyn

Mrs. Evelyn Lawrence Dies at Kanauga
GALLIPOLIS - Mrs. Evelyn Lawrence died at her home in Kanauga Wednesday after a long illness. She was born in Lincoln County, W. Va., and was the widow of the late Ferd Lawrence, who died in 1914.
They are survived by the following children: Miss Lulu Lawrence, living at home; Leonard Lawrence, Huntington; Mrs. Catherine Huffman, Griffithsville, W. Va.; Everett Lawrence, Columbus; Ferd Lawrence, Jr., 58 Pine St., Gallipolis; Mrs. Clarence Mulford, Cheshire; Mrs. Tom Adams, Kanauga; and Ashford Lawrence of the U. S. Army, and stationed in New Jersey.
Funeral arrangements have not been completed, but burial will probably take place at Mrs. Lawrence’s old home in West Virginia, it was said Wednesday night.

Athens Messenger
Thursday, May 24, 1945

Lawrence Funeral Service Held Today
GALLIPOLIS - Funeral services for the late Mrs. Evelyn Lawrence, who died at her home in Kanauga Wednesday, after a long illness, were held at 10 o’clock Friday morning at the Methodist Church there by Rev. E. C. Venz.
The funeral party left for Girffithsville, W. Va., where a brief service was to be held at 2 p.m. at Eden Baptist Church with interment following in the May Cemetery there.

Athens Messenger
Friday, May 25, 1945
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron

Lawrence, Ferd

Mr. Lawrence Died Sunday At Holzer
Ferd Lawrence, 72, a retired attendant of the Gallipolis State Institute, died at 4 a.m. Sunday in Holzer Hospital. He had been in failing health since 1946, and suffered a series of strokes. He had been in the hospital for a day. Mr. Lawrence resided at 150 Garfield Ave., and had been retired from the institute since 1959 after working there 33 years.
He was born in Lincoln county, W. Va., on Dec. 14, 1889, the son of the late Michael and Eveline Webb Lawrence, one of 12 children. Three brothers and three sisters who survive are Leonard of Barboursville, W. Va., Everett of Stewart, Fla., Ashford of Alkol, W. Va., Mrs. Delbert (Kathleen) Hoffman of Hamlin, W. Va. , Miss Lula Lawrence of Stewart, Fla., and Mrs. Tom (Nettie) Adams of Kanauga.
His marriage to the former Mae Mink, took place at Rio Grande on March 30, 1918, and she survives. A daughter, Jean Lawrence, died at the age of 20 in 1946.
Services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at Miller’s Home for Funerals. Rev. C. J. Lemley will officiate and burial will be in Pine Street cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home until the hour of the service.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Monday, March 26. 1962
Transcribed by Sandy Lee Milliron

Lawrence, Jean


A bright and winsome girl loved by young and old alike has been chosen by Providence to leave this world of sin, pain and sorrow, to grace the beautiful gardens of Paradise. She loved life and reached out for happiness as a flower reaches for the sun and dew.
She shared her love with others, her parents, relatives and neighbors, as well as with her young friends and all feel a deep sense of personal grief, at her passing. She was adored by her parents who devoted their lives to her. Nothing was left undone by them to ease her suffering, she had skilled surgical, medical and nursing care. It is a great source of comfort to those to know they gave "only the best" to Jean.
She was a gallant girl, even when she knew her days were numbered she would dress up and go out with her friends and would bear her distress bravely and silently, wishing to avoid causing any worry to anyone. She appreciated everything beautiful, music, flowers, pretty clothes. "Nothing we love is ever lost" so while we cannot see Jean with the natural eye she will always live in our hearts and memories. The following poem describes Jean's life very aptly.

Her kind words brought (missing word) to the heart
And played in life a potent part
She drove away despair and gloom
And for true happiness made room. Written by Mrs. Virgil Thaxton

[Note: from death certificate ...Iona Jean Lawrence born Sept. 12, 1924; died April 1, 1946; burial Pine Street]

Gallipolis Paper
No date
Transcribed by F.K. Brown Top of Page

Lawson, Clara

East Gallipolis Resident Dies At State Hospital
Mrs. Clara Lawson, who was removed a few weeks ago to the Athens State hospital, died there about noon Monday. The remains will be returned to her home in East Gallipolis by A. E. Tope Monday evening. Further particulars and funeral notice will be given later.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Monday, January 6, 1930

Lawson Funeral Thursday
Funeral services for Mrs. Albert Lawson, who died Monday, will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at her late home in East Gallipolis, Rev. Smith officiating. Burial in Pine Street Cemetery in charge of A. E. tope. Mrs. Lawson is survived by her husband and twelve children, Alvin, Clarence, Gertrude, Herman, Kenneth, Lois, Ruth, James, Raymond, Lena Mae, Albert, Jr., and Charles.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Tuesday, January 7, 1930
Transcribed by Sandy Lee Milliron

Lawson, John

On the 19th last, at Chillicothe, John Lawson, of Gallipolis, formerly a Representative in the Ohio Legislature from Gallia county, was instantly killed by the cars under the following circ*mstances:

"It seems that Lawson had remained in the city overnight with some friends, and had repaired to the depot to await the train going east, when he expected to return to Gallipolis. Seeking the shade, he sought refuge under some freight cars on the side track, and fell asleep with his neck on his arm, the latter resting on one of the rails. An engine came out and proceeded to shift the cars for the making up of a train, and they moved backward and forwards several times over the unconscious Lawson before he was discovered as above."
His head and one of his feet were severed from his body, creating a horrible and ghastly mutilation. The remains were taken in charge by the Masonic fraternity, and forwarded to his friends at Gallipolis.

Page 1 of the Athens Messenger
August 4, 1870
Transcribed by Mary Blank Szekely

Lawson, John

On Thursday evening, about 5 o'clock, the remains of the late John Lawson were brought to town, by hearse from Chillicothe, the scene of his sad and untimely end. The coffin, a very handsome one, temporarily enclosed in a deal case, was taken to the family residence on State street, where, according to previous arrangement, the members of "the Morning Dawn Lodge," (who had taken charge of the remains) assisted by delegates from other neighboring Lodges, and a large number of citizens, in carriages and on foot, assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to their late brother and friend. The whole then formed into procession and proceeded to the Universalist Church where the funeral services were read by the Rev. R. Breare, who also delivered a very impressive discourse, eulogizing, in his usual eloquent and affectionate manner, the merits of the deceased in every relation in life. The simple and beautiful services for the burial of the dead, according to the Masonic Order, were then commenced, brother J. Hunt officiating, and the procession again formed, and proceeded [sic] by muffled drums, took its way to the Cemetry [sic], where the Masonic rights were resumed and the corps [sic] interred, the shades of a dreary evening putting an appropriate end to the melancholy offices before they had been quite completed.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 28, 1870
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

Lawson, John K.

John Lawson’s Body Arrives Today
Mr. J. A. Lawson of Huntington has received word from Government officials saying the body of Lieut. John K. Lawson will arrive Thursday at Hoboken. The body will be forwarded to Gallipolis for burial as soon as possible. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Thursday, August 25, 1921

Funeral of Lieut. Lawson Occurs Sunday Afternoon
The bodies of Lieut. John Lawson and Ben Stormont will arrive here from France sometime Saturday. The body of Lieut. Lawson will be taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sibley. The military funeral will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Albion Ross and the American Legion at the Episcopal Church at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon with burial at Mound Hill in charge of funeral directors Wetherholt and Entsminger. The funeral hour has not been set for Ben Stormont’s funeral, but it will be at the Stormont residence and burial at Mound Hill by undertaker Geo. W. Wetherholt.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Thursday, September 1, 1921 Top of Page

Lawson, John Kinghorn

Our Soldier Dead
Four Funerals Sunday Over Remains Back From France
Lawson, Stormont, Richards and Vance “Home Again.”
The body of First Lieut. John K. Lawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lawson of Huntington, W. Va., will be at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Sibley on Third Avenue until 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon, when the funeral will occur at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, with the Rev. Mr. Ross officiating. Interment at Mound Hill Cemetery by Wetherholt & Entsminger with the American Legion in attendance.
Lieut. Lawson was a charming man, whose personality radiated kindness, good cheer, courage and love to all who knew him. His nature was noble, his influence inspiring, his life admirable from beginning to end. All Gallipolis had a warm heart for him, and the news of his death in May, 1919, came with stunning force not only to his immediate family and friends, but to the entire community.
Lieutenant Lawson died of appendicitis while serving in the medical corps of the American expeditionary forces in France. He was commissioned first lieutenant in January, 1918, and was sent overseas in the following August. During the drive of the allies in the fall of 1918, he was stationed just behind the lines, first in the Argonne Forest, then at Fleury S. Aire and Neubecourt. After signing of the armistice, he was assigned to the Argonne sector, where he died in May, 1918.
Lieutenant Lawson was born at Gallipolis, on November 16, 1892. He attended Rio Grande College and Ohio State University. In 1916 he received the degree of M. D. from the latter institution. After serving his internship in Miami Valley Hospital, he took a post-graduate course at the Orthopaedic Surgery hospital, New York. Afterward he gave a course of lectures in the medical college at Columbia University, and for a time was chief surgeon at the Wright airplane plant at Dayton. For a short time before enlistment in the medical corps, he practiced his profession at Dayton.
The National Cyclopedia of American Biography says of him: “In and out of the service Lieutenant Lawson was a general favorite; bright, gallant, handsome, urbane, of a jolly disposition, of winsome personality, he commanded the respect and esteem of all. A comrade said of him: ‘Lieutenant Lawson’s wonderful smile won him unnumbered devoted friends. I have seen the hospital staff, including nurses, after days and nights of continuous work, all have long and woebegone faces from overwork and fatigue, when upon the entrance of that wonderful lad their faces would clear up and the whole situation would change, better work resulting there from.”
The following is executed according to resolution adopted by the Ex-Interns Society of the Miami Valley Hospital at their last annual meeting,

We who have friends and associates of Dr. Lawson stand face to face with the unanswered question: “Why must such a useful man, as was our friend, be taken in the very springtime of his service?” A few short weeks ago we were all filled with pride in the spirit that prompted him to offer all he had in the service of our country. Through the stress and turmoil of all those anxious days he stood faithfully in answer to his country’s need. Now that peace has come again, we hoped that he might enjoy the fruits of his labor with us. But his work on earth was finished and he has gone to answer that higher call. His going has left us desolate and defeated. In vain we beat our hands against the door of life that closed behind him. He has gone to other duties and the life we cherished so fondly is now just a memory.
To you who feel his loss in a vastly more intimate way than is possible to us, we reach out a boundless sympathy. No other can ever come to you to fill the place he has left, but we trust that time will bring you comfort for the pain that now distresses you almost beyond endurance.

The pall-bearers are Fred Ashworth, Otto Le Blanc, Frank Deardorff, Dr. C. E. Holzer, Ellis Sibley and Fred Johnston.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson Thank Kind Friends
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lawson desire to extend their heartfelt thanks to many kind friends, to the American Legion, Rev. Dr. Ross, Mrs. Morgan, florist, and funeral directors Wetherholt & Entsminger for the many kindnesses shown them during their late bereavement when their son, Lieut. Lawson was brought home from France for burial.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
Thursday, September 8, 1921
Transcribed by Sandy L. Milliron Top of Page

Gallia County Newspaper Obituaries [L-Les] (2024)


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